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I know that train Hippie !--I'm not feeling like a spring chicken myself !--Must be something in the air !---I got stuff to do today !-- 1 part magic ---8,000 parts water !-- Seed are exactly where they need to be ! -- Waiting on delivery then we make mutants !--
Morning to all my Friends here at the OFC. Hope yall haves a wonderful day. Hey Keef,,did ya get your Milk delivery yet. lol LOL
Just aggravating you and DD early this morning. Much love to you guys from the Weedhopper.
What up Hopper !--Put D.D. to bed after working last night !--This job will be much easier on her !---That last she was in an intensive care situation all the time !--She works with well babies now !-- She do a lot of my research !-- Looks like she got veg back under control !--- Just in time too !--I need to move some plants from dirt to aero to make room for the mutants !--I 'm not saying I'll find what I want but I bet I make one first try -- Maybe --Probably more than one !--Is there any other plant where U have to MAKE your breeding stock ?--
Good morning ofc,

I remember that Mike Douglas show...fun memory.

Giggy, lets clone the heck out of our plants today... I am ready.. Finishing the oil again..

Keef, keep on, you got this.
One of John Lennon's musical guests was Chuck Berry. They did an amazing jam of Johnny B Good. I don't think there is another recording of them playing together.
Go Kraven !-- Giggy I'm saving my roots for this anti Inflamatory ointment ! --I'll try it but if it seems to help I'll get U some !-- We get your grow up and running then you'll be better !--Caps twice a day for U and the wife --Tiger Balm --Beemer's Balm--Maybe this root extract ? --Fact is having weed around U can treat lots of ailments !-- Plus I find I actually smoke less weed since I been on caps ! --U to Dog !
i plan on doing the same keef. i do have last seasons buckets and the root ball is still in them but i don't know how good it would be now.
Good morning ofc,

I remember that Mike Douglas show...fun memory.

Giggy, lets clone the heck out of our plants today... I am ready.. Finishing the oil again..

Keef, keep on, you got this.
i'm going to try again later today, i hope it works this time. i think i'm gonna start getting everything to build a small bubble cloner.
Morning O.F.C.just crawling out of bed have had a stomach flu..weak,stuff coming out both ends...tea, crackers & little puff..for the nausea. ..
Hey ya'll want to make a tetraploid MJ plant ?-- Having coffee with D.D. reviewing everything one more time before we throw down !-- This time tommorrow tetras will be in the dirt !--Then it is out of my hands !--I jack it up --Give it back to nature !
Yep Hippie, being sick socks all right...you get rid of that snot?? This new phone won't let me swear. What's up with that??_
The deed is done !--U got any green Mojo to spare --point it this way ! I will be looking for a indicator tommorrow to tell me if it worked !--
You got all the green MOJO I can Roundup Bro....go get em..
I treated about 100 sprouts on other species they claim 50% conversion rate !---If I get 50% I don't know what I'll do !-- I would be Happy with 10 --No !--I'd do the naked Scooby-Doo dance for 10 !--
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