Your Cherry

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I was almost sixteen and she was a hot fiery redhead , older than I by a few yrs, Whoops wrong thread..................
Smoking weed, I was 13 and my sister and her friends thought it would be fun to see lil old me stoned. Sick Bastards........
How and what was the setting and how old were you the first time you used the ganga ?

I was 11 and it was my 17 year old babysitter that squished my brain while spending the summer at my uncles in SF... '67 ... yeah my real uncle had a female wife and a male wife and 2 kids, they were a 3 some till the day they died ... I learned a lot that summer and then had to go back to just survive in a podunk Tx town ..
And How many wives does Patwi have? LOL


Summer between 4th and 5th grade. My parents bought a run down property that had a house across the street from a highschool. Some HS kids were using the place to get smoked up at lunch. A buddy and me found a bong there. I thought the weed got packed in the big colored tube and you sucked through the metal straw. Luckily he stopped me. Said he had an uncle that grew weed and would get us some. Within a couple days I had smoked my first one. Rest is history. In our area at the time they wasn't called ozs. Mexican brown was 30 to 35 a "Lid" there was this stuff called Red Point and it went for 4o to 45 a lid. The seedless stuff didn't make it here until the early 80's. So the correct answer is the summer of 1977.
The first couple of summers of growing outside we didn't know that you were supposed to wait until the end of the year. We chopped plants, hung and dried and sold shake for 10 dollars a lid (Beer Money). Our friends were buying the stuff. When it was dry some of the hard core adults would look us up too. Those places are developed with houses on them now. Wish I knew then what I know now about "Wait 2 More Weeks" . Who knows if it would have ever finished. Anyone ever tried growing red point seeds outside, half way north up through the country? We didn't even know junior year of high school. We were gifted seeds of "Big Bud" had males showing in June (pulled) and huge colas by end of August, pulled and left the biggest one there. About 8 plants. Of course, once it was dried and bagged it barely got you off so we figured it was bunk and never went back for the last one. That year some archery deer hunter found the last one, over 10 foot tall and that stuff was some of the best weed that went around town for some people still to this day. Needless to say, he never gave us any of it.
Summer of '69, a few months before I turned 14. My best friend and his brother met me out in the woods and fired up a really nasty tasting cigarette. They started acting goofy, but it didn't do anything for me. Tried it again the next day with the same results. The third day, his brother came down with some blond Lebanese hash. I still believed in God back then, and I prayed that I'd never come down. I could get off on the weed after that.
My first drug buzz was lsd 25. Weed never seemed to have any effect.

Then one day, freshman in high school, called a bus driver a son of a bitch. He tried to get in my face telling me if It was 21, he would punch me. To which I replied, if I was 21, I would beat you within an inch of your life...for that I was suspended for 3 days. During the sentence, I fired up one of 3 joints I had. It finally worked!

First attempt? Out back of Jr high, 7th grade. No effect.

I was 14 and she was the girlfriend of a guy i knew. He went out of town on vacation with his parents, and she came over to my parents house while my parents were gone out dancing. Never forgot that and nether did he.😂😂😂😂
Had sex with myself way before that.;)
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Summer of 69 for me. I was a big motor head/street racer then. Woodstock was about to happen and this Mary Jane shiit started showing up. Only beatniks smoke the stuff. It was a weekend and every body was downtown just like American Graffiti. I was looking for a race and my best friend and fellow street outlaw walked up to me with a big smile on his face.

He said I have something you gotta try.....ok I says.....wait W T F is this? I'm not doing that shiit and turned and walked away. He insisted so.....and I have never looked back. Just cheap Mexican brick weed but I got higher that a kite.

Lids were $10 and matchboxes were $5. Stems and seeds made up half a lid back then. I still love the feeling of being high on MARIJUANA.
I was 13 as well.
We moved from California to Arizona and was staying at my grandmothers house while our place was in construction.
My uncle had his stash in the garage. I broke into it and smoked one bowl.
I wasn’t doing it right or it just didn’t work cause I smoked 3 more…

He was pissed cause I smoked almost his whole bag!
He didn’t think it was me cause I was the innocent straight a student. Lol

My cousin got blamed for it😂

I only fessed up to my cousin about it like 20 years later.
How and what was the setting and how old were you the first time you used the ganga ?

I was 11 and it was my 17 year old babysitter that squished my brain while spending the summer at my uncles in SF... '67 ... yeah my real uncle had a female wife and a male wife and 2 kids, they were a 3 some till the day they died ... I learned a lot that summer and then had to go back to just survive in a podunk Tx town ..
i was in the 6th grade, we were fishing at a little pond. got ripped man i liked it. oh nothing bad about growing up in a little texas town. i wish it was still a little town, but i guess all things change.
I was almost sixteen and she was a hot fiery redhead , older than I by a few yrs, Whoops wrong thread..................
Smoking weed, I was 13 and my sister and her friends thought it would be fun to see lil old me stoned. Sick Bastards........
i liked super jail but never see it anymore.

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