Who's Starting Their Grow In Feb

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Be careful about putting them out too early because of temps and hours of sunlight. If they do look to be going into flower (and they will if you have any less hours of light outside than they were getting inside), pinch off the flowers and let it revedge. You will have time for that, it takes about six weeks to wholey revedge. Or, You can get some seeds and make a mother plant, using the amount of time that will be shinning at the time you put them out. I started early last year (see "early start grow") and the best results were from the plants my husband put out in early spring (check my journal)(and for those who are reading this in Jan. 2009, the purple bud pic of the month is one of the plants put out early last spring). He covered them with a visqueen box at night and some days too. He put them out sometime in March and they went thru some real cold nights and days. Those plants had the best root systems in my garden.
Good luck to you.
Here is a link that has monthy sunrise/sunset times, just keep following the directions and you will get sunrise and moonrise.
yup yup mike sorry forgot all abot the bugs eating your seeds lol and yeah i did the same thing 2 years a grow most of my plans were out in march and thet did great oh an nice looking but their tc on the BPOTM
Kindbud said:
not if you starting from seed they will sence the light hours getting longer and will go on vegging
Tell that to my tomatoes. They will just curl up and die laughing ... I understand that it is not the days getting longer that determines MJ in flower or not, but the amount of daylight. . . I've been through this before.
it sences the light getting shorter thats what makes it begins to flower but ive seen weirder stuff then a plant flowering when its not suppose to lol
starting mine here real soon. i grow mine for about a month and a half before i take them outside so there not fighting to stay above the other weeds. plus i know the frost is over.
starting some seeds to get some females nicely vegged before they face the uk summer all 2 days of it :rofl:
One year out of seven they get something called "summer" in the UK. The rest of the time is a soggy grey blanket with moisture descending.
im building a little veg box and starting some afghan #1 in the next week. take cuttings, force flower a couple of them, git rid of the lads, and reveg the fems for a couple weeks and planting out every week throughout april and may. i stll havent seen a single bud grown outside in 2 years. bugs got last years lol. im still experimenting.

its too early to plant out in february or mid march, the uk spring begins march 23rd, i planted out on the day and they didnt do well with a sudden freeze over. although the 1s ive plated out 1st april did best but we had a heatwave and i had to go feed them every 2 days lol.

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