I have personally run over 15 GC tests on the same strain, percentages change due to enviornmental factors that takes weeks to affect the levels.
Mere hours will not give you anymore "sugar" and besides; the sugar is these ketopentoses and pentoses i speak about above and these have not been used to make thc! if it is still a sugar, its not a cannabinoid
You say you want to pluck when the sugar levels are the highest then you say you dont want to pump itin before harvest...alot of contradiction here.
A few more days may change the levels of THC but it must be built from these sugars first. Which is built during photosynthetic reactions
At harvest the only thing running through your plants vascular system should be plain h2o and you should have added your sugars weeks ago. To ask for more sugar during harvest is not exactly trying to "pump it out and get rid of it."
If your worrying about your thc content not reaching its potential by your final 2 weeks, then your harvest hour is the least of your concerns.
I have the ability to prove this within 1/100th of percents if yall are really that stuck on the subject. 3 light and 3 dark samples cut mere hours apart would make for some easy to understand results. But it is a very very long shot.
Mr. Chow, i am not understanding your "percent weight by leaf matter"? GC tests are conducted properly by removing ALL the leaf matter, regardless of trichome production, to get down to the actual percentage of the pistillate "buds". And you say "exactly my point". Well
my point was that you should not have ANY of these substances present before harvest, this is why flushing is necessary. And if you dont believe that THC is soluble then what are you takling about here? Cause these "sugars" you speak of dont get you high. And if properly grown during the last few weeks (back off nutes and flush) then these "sugars and starches" should not be present anyways.
And smooth smoke is all in the dry and cure.
Happy harvesting