there is also studies out there that show when a plant is near the end of its lifecycle , the plant will automatically quit uptaking nutrients on its own…no more anion cation exchanges , no salt build ups…myth
think about how outdoor plants live and breath
also , we found out first hand what are some of the differences between ganja grown at 10,000’ elevation vs weed grown at 4200’ feet
lots of differences , especially trichome production , way higher at higher elevations , we attributed that to the high Uv at 10k….uv was 11-13 while at 4200 it was 6-10
so yeah , the jury is still out on indoor vs outdoor , specifically flushing and 48 hrs darkness in my very humble opinion
i will wager if I was to have 10 different varieties of flowers with 5 being grown indoors and 5 grown outdoors , 5 flushed with 48 hrs dark and 5 not flushed or dark , i bet no one will even come close to picking out the indoor vs the outdoor
there should be some kind of test for this
i will be the first to volunteer.