Too early?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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I was talking to a friend who grows outdoor and we were talking about if i should plant my clones or not.

I have 20 clones that I am going to put outdoor. Some are starting to outgrow their pots. My last frost was march 1 and I looked at the sunlight table and it says here will be 12.5 hours of light for the next two weeks.

My friend says I should wait until mid april, because plants that are planted in mid april do better than plants that are planted a little early. Temps for the next week are high 60's low 70's during the day and high 40's during the night.

What do you guys think? If i plant now will they be stunted pieces of junk?
Planting clones would be dinnerent than planting seeds. Planting seeds early gives them a chance to get biger before it gets hotter and dryer in your area. I use to grow in an area like yours and i planted the last of march and had great results. The ground was warm enough to make it through the cool nights.
the longer the veg' period, the bigger the plant, the larger the yeild.
Cuttings reared on a 24/0 or 18/6 schedule, "may" be prompted to flower, if put out too early. They can/may begin to flower under the "12.5" hours of daylight, but as it senses that the daylight hours are actually increasing, will try to revert back to vegging.
THAT can confuse the plants metabolism and cause some stunting.
If they have been reared under or hardened off to a shorter light cycle, they can do fine.
I usuallt advise putting clones or plants reared under 24/0 or long light cycles, out around June 1. The natural light hours are long enough, at that point, to keep them vegging untill nature takes it's course in late Ju;y or August.
So you think throwing them out in two weeks would have a negative affect?
..IMO. there are too many variables to say, positively.
If you do plan to put them out early, "I" advise cutting their light hours back to 16 hours for the nect few weeks.
Thanks Hick. Maybe I should throw the ones that are out growing their containters out in a couple weeks and see how they do :)

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