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Active Member
Mar 9, 2006
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Well i just recently started smoking, and my two main smoking partners, and my two best friends, are usually dicks to me, i know im new but ive smoked with them like 15 times now, and the same thing everytime, im usually the but end of the jokes and they gang up on on me, what should i do? if u have any experiences like this report back
Find new partners. Are they just with you cause you're the one with the weed?

Shouldn't be too hard. Look for other stoners, ask to hang out. Meet new people, smoke a bowl, and chill with everyone.

Good luck. :)
either you look funny ,are there just haten,we all been through that ,middle school espeacialy,i used to get made fun of by my freind because i was taller than them,and better looking,haten bitches,its all good man.just get a haircut and try to stay fly.people judge you on your apperane .we all know this,for instance look at the people on jerry watch tv and talk shit about em.truth is you cant buy respect ..its either there are not,make your own decision,dont let your freinds make it for you,and stick to your word,if you change your mind on something because they convinced you ,they thiink they have power over you,bet they wouldnt try that shit on a stranger any kind of way.fuck freinds ,you only need them weed or something else,freind use eachother ,but i couldnt see myself liveing broke and alone
yeah well i dont think its cuz of my apperance, and no im not the one usually with the weed, actually the one kid smoked me out like 7 times alredy so its all good, but like he is a real dick to me wen these two are together, and i tihnk its stupid bcuz wen i do actually get mad it ruins my high cuz i just wanna sit there, smoke, chill, and laugh, not argue
yeah i hate that shit,dont get mad ,trust me just laugh it off like your the shit and your better than them,they may start getting mad and hating you though,but fuck em,i used to go threw that shit alot.people who double team are bitches,start joining on there momas ,thats what hits them hard,im at a age know where that shits immature,i dont do it ,but if you have to go there do it,but then again it shows that you cant come up with anything on them ,just jone on there clothes,tell them there shirt too small and tell them to lift the hands up in the sky
yeah, wut i usually do, is wen they try to be friendly, and make jokes, i just dont go along with them and it seems to piss them off, but also, wen they smoke with me, they always wanna leave, they want me to go with them but why is it they have to leave so badly, cant we just sit there? or is it a paranoia thing
yeah, wut i usually do, is wen they try to be friendly, and make jokes, i just dont go along with them and it seems to piss them off, but also, wen they smoke with me, they always wanna leave, they want me to go with them but why is it they have to leave so badly, cant we just sit there? or is it a paranoia thing
parioniod ,your so high ,you dont want to get caught ,with that ,blunt in your mouth,and a bag in your only feel safe inside
I don't know your age but if you are a teenage male, that hazing thing can be a bitch. Be as cool as you can be and screw em' if they can't be cool. Learn to twist one up, find you some good jams and you can enjoy life solo. This especially works well if you play the guitar( aka spank the plank).
yea i agree
get high by yourself,some people talk that shit when there high ,dont ever ,aknowlege that ,your feelings ,are hurt,thell think your a puss and thell never give you the respect,to be real freinds never give tyou respect no matter what,you get it from a stranger any day.doesnt mean they dont love you though.if they dint you wouldnt be around them.who wants to hang around someone they dont like
dont let it get to you i used to smoke with some freinds like that but all they do is make fun of you to get laughs just joined them in dont stay there quiet and let them keeep dissin you diss them back eventually they will both start dissin eachother its just for the laughs if they being real real dicks then do what everyone else said find some other stoners not hard to find remember dont let anyone punk you around or they gonna think you a little bitch
yea brownie,
you don't need to hang out with those people if thats how they treating you react to smoking, or your apperance, none of that is an excuse for them to act like assholes. i agree that you should meet some other potheads who are all about having a good time and enjoy yourself.
Get your own bag and smoke with your friends. If your friends don't smoke, smoke and then go and hang out with your friends. If the guys sit there and make fun of you cause you're a newb, they aren't your friends. And if you have a bag, you can always find somebody chill to smoke with. You're bag is your best friend, it gives you the power over the attitude of the session. If it's your pot, you can say "Anybody that's a dick to me can't smoke". That'll fix em.
hey man.. ignore those fucks... if all you wanna do is sit and chill relax and just be laid back do it... if you need someone to teach ya how to twist up blunts.. i'll show ya.... hahaha... find yourself a decent person to supply you or learn to grow "outside" because my guess is your still livin at home... but.. man.. there are so many great people to smoke with.. don't limit yourself to those retards.... if you wanna just chill out.. play some PS2 there is a place on my couch for ya....

Cheers man..
yeah iv found that its really really easy to meet new people with weed.
yeah man, jus get your own bag and smoke and watch television.."that 70's show" is pretty good stoned..and "the office" is friggin' hilarious..if they treat you like that, then obviously they really aren't friends..

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