Meh, just checking on youJust got booted off by a Microsoft update for the second time today. Commie conspiracy?
Meh, just checking on youJust got booted off by a Microsoft update for the second time today. Commie conspiracy?
Carty is in FL. I would look him up if it were me. But I would contact him not just stop in. I have not been to Fl since Jan 2006 I went yo Fl Lauderdale then yo the Bahamas for the cruise then back to Miami. I got to see Little Jerusalem. Went to an amusement park and lived on the beach. I also went to as Island with alligators and lots of animals even touched a baby gator. Me and my sissy had a blast.They sre cute
Not tornados? That's horrible, but it is the beginning of the season. I hope all are okay.Ohio is getting the living shit kicked out of it tonight. Tornados that have hit, moved on, and hit again after getting bigger. Hunker down, Buckeyes.
Getting up in the middle of the night to go to a storm cellar is one of the reasons that I moved from tornado alley to the Pacific NW where tornadoes are uncommon.I hate to hear of tornado season starting. I hope any damage that was done was just to things and not people or animals.
This reminds me of the story of about 1974 tornados ripping through NE Alabama where my parents and brother lived. I was in the UP of Michigan at this time.Getting up in the middle of the night to go to a storm cellar is one of the reasons that I moved from tornado alley to the Pacific NW where tornadoes are uncommon.
I lived down in Alabama for bout 15 yrs. Always told myself I'd never live where they have tornadoes. Well, love makes ya do crazy Never had to go through the horror of a direct hit but we had an F3 roll by withing a 1/4 mile. I don't miss those days at all. I'm happy here in Ohio.This reminds me of the story of about 1974 tornados ripping through NE Alabama where my parents and brother lived. I was in the UP of Michigan at this time.
There was a major outbreak of storms and this was before storm shelters became so popular. And this is what caused the local popularity of them.
April 3rd, Dad's birthday and 5 days before my brother's 18th birthday. They were living in a house built out of the green wood and covered with the asp shingle like stuff.
Middle of the night I get a phone call from them, they were okay, 3 buildings were gone and the corner of the house had the roof lifted and put down on Mom and Dad;s bed and more tornadoes were expected.
They had a bull dozer where they made the pond larger. The blade was down and facing the SW where the tornadoes. Mom, Dad and brother and the dog found out quickly that they could wiggle in the mud and get under that bull dozer. But Dad, being a curious person stood up behind the down blade so he could watch the tornadoes come across to their home. He did get down in time.
Brother thought he would not live to be 18.
So just for future reference, bulldozers make good tornado shelters.
(PS: I worried for 3 days before I heard from them again.)
Archie was being kind. Meathead isn’t a strong enough word. I was flipping thru the channels last night and saw Spinal Tap was on. Started watching it then that coont, child molester was in a scene. Wrecked the whole movie for me. Forever. Just like I can’t watch any DiZero movies any more.