The Original Old Farts Club

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Morning gang.
Busy busy busy

Planning to move my grow into an outbuilding next year for a little bigger work area. It can’t live it my basement forever lol.

My mom spent 7 weeks in the hospital following a triple bypass.
And my sister finally lost her fight to cancer yesterday morning. My family are believers in Christ and her death was a blessing after she fought so long. She’s felt the glory of God, and her troubles are over. Just turned 40 years old a few weeks ago.
We were at her bedside yesterday when she passed and I marvel at my fathers strength. Our days are numbered from the start so love your family and set aside the digital traps of todays world.

Anyway, planning a new aquarium. This one incorporates land and water, will build a waterfall with slow stream, planted tank with aquatic and terrestrial plants. Looking at adding some small crabs that only eat plants, of course some snails, and a few small fish.
It’s going to be a lot of work and planning with the different pumps etc. might add a mist generator for more viewing pleasure. The mist follows the waterfall down and is very stunning to see.
So now I have to break down a 40 gallon, and a 55 gallon. Set up a new 75, and set the 55 up in place of the 40. then I can start the planning and rough drafts with the then empty 40.
With all that spare time I have 😂
I got word the other day that Santa is bringing my boy a BB gun, he turns three next month so it’s time to start teaching the rules of firearms. My local gun store gave me the BB gun, I guess if you spend enough you’ll get a free $40 BB gun lol. That’s why I spend a little more local vs box stores. I have an issue buying rifles. And like a true hoarder I almost never sell anything.
I scored a 1978 Remington 700 in 30.06 last week for $350!!! Guy wanted $300. I tried to pay 400 so we settled on 350. It’s worth $750-950 all day long. Pristine condition. She’s a beauty compared to todays plastic stocks and sloppy bolts.
Morning gang.
Busy busy busy

Planning to move my grow into an outbuilding next year for a little bigger work area. It can’t live it my basement forever lol.

My mom spent 7 weeks in the hospital following a triple bypass.
And my sister finally lost her fight to cancer yesterday morning. My family are believers in Christ and her death was a blessing after she fought so long. She’s felt the glory of God, and her troubles are over. Just turned 40 years old a few weeks ago.
We were at her bedside yesterday when she passed and I marvel at my fathers strength. Our days are numbered from the start so love your family and set aside the digital traps of todays world.

Anyway, planning a new aquarium. This one incorporates land and water, will build a waterfall with slow stream, planted tank with aquatic and terrestrial plants. Looking at adding some small crabs that only eat plants, of course some snails, and a few small fish.
It’s going to be a lot of work and planning with the different pumps etc. might add a mist generator for more viewing pleasure. The mist follows the waterfall down and is very stunning to see.
So now I have to break down a 40 gallon, and a 55 gallon. Set up a new 75, and set the 55 up in place of the 40. then I can start the planning and rough drafts with the then empty 40.
With all that spare time I have 😂
I got word the other day that Santa is bringing my boy a BB gun, he turns three next month so it’s time to start teaching the rules of firearms. My local gun store gave me the BB gun, I guess if you spend enough you’ll get a free $40 BB gun lol. That’s why I spend a little more local vs box stores. I have an issue buying rifles. And like a true hoarder I almost never sell anything.
I scored a 1978 Remington 700 in 30.06 last week for $350!!! Guy wanted $300. I tried to pay 400 so we settled on 350. It’s worth $750-950 all day long. Pristine condition. She’s a beauty compared to todays plastic stocks and sloppy bolts.
How old is your Mom? 7 weeks is along time.
I had a triple and was out 5 days later.
My Mom took along time after her open heart surgery. She ended up with pneumonia and got really sick. She was 71 at the time. She passed away in 2019 from Lung cancer at 79.
Sorry about your sister my friend. That's so sad to be so young.😢
Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations, YD. I figured you must have a lot on your plate that's kept you away. Family always comes first. I'm glad your sister is finally at peace. Watching people die sucks. I've given up way too many in my life. Sooner or later, it'll be my turn.

Time flies! Your boy is turning 3? Seems like yesterday you were anticipating his birth!

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