Morning gang.
Busy busy busy
Planning to move my grow into an outbuilding next year for a little bigger work area. It can’t live it my basement forever lol.
My mom spent 7 weeks in the hospital following a triple bypass.
And my sister finally lost her fight to cancer yesterday morning. My family are believers in Christ and her death was a blessing after she fought so long. She’s felt the glory of God, and her troubles are over. Just turned 40 years old a few weeks ago.
We were at her bedside yesterday when she passed and I marvel at my fathers strength. Our days are numbered from the start so love your family and set aside the digital traps of todays world.
Anyway, planning a new aquarium. This one incorporates land and water, will build a waterfall with slow stream, planted tank with aquatic and terrestrial plants. Looking at adding some small crabs that only eat plants, of course some snails, and a few small fish.
It’s going to be a lot of work and planning with the different pumps etc. might add a mist generator for more viewing pleasure. The mist follows the waterfall down and is very stunning to see.
So now I have to break down a 40 gallon, and a 55 gallon. Set up a new 75, and set the 55 up in place of the 40. then I can start the planning and rough drafts with the then empty 40.
With all that spare time I have

I got word the other day that Santa is bringing my boy a BB gun, he turns three next month so it’s time to start teaching the rules of firearms. My local gun store gave me the BB gun, I guess if you spend enough you’ll get a free $40 BB gun lol. That’s why I spend a little more local vs box stores. I have an issue buying rifles. And like a true hoarder I almost never sell anything.
I scored a 1978 Remington 700 in 30.06 last week for $350!!! Guy wanted $300. I tried to pay 400 so we settled on 350. It’s worth $750-950 all day long. Pristine condition. She’s a beauty compared to todays plastic stocks and sloppy bolts.