I hadda go to the VA yesterday. Got my blood drawn last week per their mail-in notice to do so. I have to visit the VA at least once a year or they will cancel my GI dinged helmet dole.
So I get to the 9th floor a half-hour early and get in the long line of dudes wearing masks to let them know I am gracing their presence.
Mine has my face on the mask. Finally (after 30 minutes) get the nod, and I say to the guy behind the useless glass, that I am here to see a Dr. Bergstrom for my yearly penance, and that my appointment is for 8:00AM.
Guy behind glass says: "We do not have you as being supposed to be here today."
I held up my TWO arms bruised from the blood draw last week and replied:
"As usual, you guys in the VA sent me a notice saying to appear twice: Once last week, and once right now. The folks in the blood draw had their copy and did their thing. So I know, and the folks on the first floor know, that the VA
required me to show up here at this time... today -- it was on the same formal notice."
Guy behind glass: "We have no slot available."
Me: "Can Dr. Bergstrom just see me for the two minutes this yearly stuff takes? All we do is make sure I am still walking around. No tests, nuffing but 'Hello, goodbye' and I'm done. It is just to see if I am still alive." (The VA don't want no old dead GI's collecting Service Connected (ie: Dinged Helmet) stipends, ya know, so they check once a year.)
Guy goes to check. Comes back with a weird fargin look on his face. "Umm... Dr. Bergstrom has moved to Hawaii."
Me, gobsmacked: Well, who took over for him? Bergstrom blew the place and did not
update his patient list, eh?
Guy disappears. Comes back ten minutes later with: "It is Dr. Mumblemumble. She is fully busy and cannot see you today."
Then he comes out with this outright insanity: "Would you be willing to see a
different doctor?"
Me: "Since I have never seen or heard of my new doctor who is not available after Bergstrom decamped at midnight, ANY doggone doctor you come up with will be a "new doctor" so let's take a gamble on any one walking around with a diploma. OK?"
Guy disappears. Returns. It is now 8:30
Guy: "We can squeeze you in at 11:30 with someone."
Me: "Sit here for three fargin hours for a TWO FARGIN MINUTE appointment with a doctor who has absolutely no knowledge of me? Are you really serious? Would YOU?!
How about tomorrow? Early!" (parking is truly terrible at the VA after 8AM)
Guy consults computer again... "I can work you in for a checkup at... and names a week from now and a time of 2PM."
Me (in the danger zone): "Give. Me. A. Time. In. The. FUKKING morning."
So now I have an appointment for two minutes about ten days from now. (seething)