I see Boo too
I see Boo too
I can drink light beer with no problem,,but if I take a drink of hard liquor I'm fked and the AFib kicks in. As for coffee,,I drink Decaf with no problems.Me too!!
"Holiday Heart" can be triggered by caffeine or alcohol. I was hitting both, since the delicious brandy was laced with delicious Kahlua.
I now drink decaffeinated tea with honey in the moanin'. No, it is nowhere near as good as the full quart of straight black John Wayne coffee I useta scarf down every moanin...
...But it won't kill me.
"They'll haveta kill me before I die!" [/Yellowbeard]
I’ve always wanted a hen house. Thought I’d have one in Ga but to many coyotes there. The folks we sold the place to thought it would be a good idea and started out big instead of small (young and dumb I think but they will learn like we did) they lost 60 chickens in one night. Woke up to a real mess after one of the kids forgot to lock the gate. I could have one here I guess but now I say why buy the cow when you get the milk freeI just need to get to know them a bit better before I start asking for their extra chicken poooop
Whoa! Commiseration sister woman. Been there, done that, and except for the prestige, it sucked. Have they done a urinalysis to determine why you are getting them in the first place?
yes, seems I need a rotorooter on the line that goes from the kidney to the bladder. Kidney not draining well enough causing the stones so my doc says. Yes and doing more urinalysis along the way too oh what fun!
Too much water dilutes our blood electrolytes and leads to heart issues, so I drink water with electrolytes added. I quit drinking seltzer water, because it dropped my urine Ph to much.
What do you expect from a culture that eats dogs? My reaction to the film was compassion for the fear the cat was expressing and anger at the people treating them that way.
I've met very few animals that I didn't like, but lot's of humans, so my first question would be who is in the bags??
Our kind of woman!
Ethanol made from mash containing fruticose converts to methanol, which also produces a bang up headache.
My first cut on shine typically comes out at about 130 proof. Sipping whiskey is typically around 80 proof. I actually like the taste of the 130 proof, but in tiny sips like a brandy.
Cherry pie for certain!
Same here!
I see Boo too
I see Boo too
I literally laughed out loud at that one. Still grinning.
I don't think Popcorn Sutton ever Killed himselfGreat find Hydra, .. and yeah that has to be Boo
My momma thought these were the greatest since she didn’t have to cook. No no no that and cereal was not just as good…Remember these
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Nobody has 12. <--That izza fack, Jack.What if you have 12
Wrong. I have papers signed by five individual psychiatrists that say I'm sane and able to return to society.Nobody has 12. <--That izza fack, Jack.
Jack has only 3, unlike Nobody. No one has 5.
I, however, am confident you will all agree with me when I tell you that unlike all of you, I have a CERTIFCATEthat says I'm sane!
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out how many here actually do have a paper like thatNobody has 12. <--That izza fack, Jack.
Jack has only 3, unlike Nobody. No one has 5.
I, however, am confident you will all agree with me when I tell you that unlike all of you, I have a CERTIFCATEthat says I'm sane!
Protein shake for breakfast and off to the salt mine.
Down here in addition to all the above, we have lynxes. Forty pound kitties. And gators. Iguanas eat eggs.We gave all of our hens and a rooster to our good neighbors that have teenagers due to that daily trip for wife's cancer treatment .. she's good now and have heard all of the hens are good except for one, she hung herself. Yeah, possums, coons, coyotes and hawks all got their buffet share while we still had them .. I've killed a coyote and think the good neighbor took out a hawk .. it is wot it is but I do miss my chickens .