This has always bothered me as a pilot. Five TBM Avenger Bombers lost...
The part that is as hard to swallow as a Vaseline sandwich is that Avengers have radios. Duh. They actually
contacted Ft. Lauderdale Airplane Patch to say they were lost and their compasses were hosed. Ft. Laud responded to them.
I only mention the above to point out even a VFR (Learner's Permit) rated pilot knows you have the simplest way possible to find the right way to go. You turn your radio to civilian radio. I do not give a flying crap what station it is... IT IS ON DRY FARGIN LAND. Miami had radio waves blasting. So did Ft. Laud civilian radio.
Moreover, Frequency 3300 is broadcast continually from the TBM's home station. Follow
LATE ADDITION: A gaggle of B-17's took off from California five years previously to these twats, and flew without the slightest difficulty straight across the trackless ocean (no islands) to Hawaii. How? By listening to the fargin radio and steering at it. It ain't their fault the japs arrived at Pearl Harbor the same time they did. Sticky. But the navigation was perfect.
MORE: In order to get my VFR license, the FAA guy told me to locate where I was using only the radio. So I tuned in a station, drew a line on the map from that station's bearing... and then tuned in another, different station and repeated the step.
Where the two lines crossed was my EXACT location over the Okefenokee Swamp. The Avenger schmucks coulda done that, too. Notice no satellites, no radar, no nuffin but a fargin radio.