The Original Old Farts Club

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Yeah same here I'm 10% metal lol wish I could go back in time and not break so much stuff

Piker. I will NOT attempt air travel again in my life. Unless I am the pilot at a private airplane patch. I wound up getting so much fargin hassle, you would not believe it.

And the worst part was, I was not allowed to kick the shiit out of the TSA guy with the probe going back and forth to the THREE areas with metal.

Hadda go into the "Back Room". For a fuggin' aerial bus ride. Jeez.

He was certain, I guess, that I was trying to sneak precious metals out of the country.
I've broken 46 bones, been shot and the last 12 years I've had my meniscus trimmed, 2 rotator cuffs, liver cancer surgery and my bowels ripped from my body 3 times and broke my right shoulder 2 years ago...that's what a trainer can do for have to learn to work thru the pain and discomfort...I was taking 5 vicodins a day 2 years ago, now I take 2...building a body is discipline and desire...I'm not looking to be like arnold, I just refuse to look like my friends... ;)
Yep and I still have a 357 slug in me.
I've broken 46 bones, been shot and the last 12 years I've had my meniscus trimmed, 2 rotator cuffs, liver cancer surgery and my bowels ripped from my body 3 times and broke my right shoulder 2 years ago...that's what a trainer can do for have to learn to work thru the pain and discomfort...I was taking 5 vicodins a day 2 years ago, now I take 2...building a body is discipline and desire...I'm not looking to be like arnold, I just refuse to look like my friends... ;)
Ya broke more than me. I never counted, but it ain't nowhere near 46.

We are two tough old mofo's, ya know that? We are also too stoopit to duck in time.

Wound? Easypeasy. Kill? Not a fargin chance. We are both immortal. So far...
Morning OFC. Woke up and realized I don't have to trim today.... really....what am I gonna do with myself. There is stuff that needs doing just not an all day chore like trimming is.

I have never been shot or shot at for that matter....I would like to keep it that way. What is disturbing is all the shootings occuring every night around here. Not long ago there might have been a couple shootings a multiple people daily. My solution... don't go downtown. Especially after sundown.

Great day to get some sun.
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NoNoNo -- One meal a day will flat out guarantee you will GAIN fat. Eat up to FOUR meals a day. <-- Just COUNT THE FRIGGIN' CALORIES!!

Two eggs is 150 teeny calories. No bread. Tomato Juice. Great breakfast at, say 8AM.

Snack at 11:00 -- An apple <--successful dieting sekrit: Apples fill you up like you ate four McSwine's Cheeboogers. They have 75 calories.

Lunch at 1:00 -- HUGE salad. All you can eat. Made of carrots, lettuce, 100 calories worth of dried cranberries or raisins mixed in with it. NO SALAD dressing. The salad tastes fine without it. 300 calories, tops

Dinner: A nice steak (don't eat the fat) with a baked potato with Brummel & Brown "butter" on it. And peas. 800 calories

Cut back to nearly nuffin on alcohol.

You just went through a whole day without being hungry at all... and you only took in @ 1300 calories.

Do that EVERY day with equivalents and you will lose five pounds a week minimum. After a while -- and this is straight-arrow -- your gizzard will sorta "shrink" as far as stuffing appetite cravings, and you will find after two months of being smart and serious that you just wind up not eating like you used to.

The fat stays off. It ain't really "dieting" -- it is cutting back on the usual calorie overload your brain is used to receiving to tell you it is happy with more food.

You just cut out the overload, and the pounds will come off. And you will feel sharper all the way around. Lotsa positives, like sleeping and general life stuff.
Shhhhh.....Don't let my belly hear ya. Been surviving on a small handful of trail mix once a day for the last seven days. Lost 8.6 pounds so far.
I know this old bod real well. It's the only way I can shed pounds. I had my Hindu doctor tell me that I had diabetes one time after getting the results of a blood test back. I told him he was full of shit. He did the "I'm the doctor" speech, and I told him I know my body. The appointment had been for 13:30. I don't eat breakfast or lunch. I had drank three regular Cokes before the appointment. Told him to schedule me for another blood test in a week. The morning of the appointment, I didn't drink any Coke. He called me a week later and told me that I was right; no signs of being diabetic.
Shhhhh.....Don't let my belly hear ya. Been surviving on a small handful of trail mix once a day for the last seven days. Lost 8.6 pounds so far.
That ain't good for ya (if you are serious), and it most ricky-tick will not keep you from binge eating when you go off trail mix.

Point of Proof of Allegation:

"I had drank three regular Cokes before the appointment."


LATE EDIT ADD: A meal -- worse, several -- of just trail mix, with one "meal" after another will make you very susceptible to developing diverticulitis**.

**As you get older, you develop "wrinkles" in your intestines. Lookit a sausage: That is how thin your intestinal wall is. Exactly that thick and no more. Membrane.

And if a bit of a nut piece gets hung up in any of the wrinkles, you will begin to bleed pints when you take a dump. BIG problem.
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Shhhhh.....Don't let my belly hear ya. Been surviving on a small handful of trail mix once a day for the last seven days. Lost 8.6 pounds so far.
Careful man no reason for all that unless your like one of those people on that show my 900 pound life lol Idk how people get that big craziness I feel heavy being at 200 when I was 150-160 all threw my 20s
I know this old bod real well. It's the only way I can shed pounds. I had my Hindu doctor tell me that I had diabetes one time after getting the results of a blood test back. I told him he was full of shit. He did the "I'm the doctor" speech, and I told him I know my body. The appointment had been for 13:30. I don't eat breakfast or lunch. I had drank three regular Cokes before the appointment. Told him to schedule me for another blood test in a week. The morning of the appointment, I didn't drink any Coke. He called me a week later and told me that I was right; no signs of being diabetic.
And just who told you to eat or drink anything before a blood test for Diabetes
LOL 3 Cokes must have been off then scale
That ain't good for ya (if you are serious), and it most ricky-tick will not keep you from binge eating when you go off trail mix.

Point of Proof of Allegation:

"I had drank three regular Cokes before the appointment."


LATE EDIT ADD: A meal of trail mix -- one "meal" after another will make you very susceptible to developing diverticulitis**.

**As you get older, you develop "wrinkles" in your intestines. Lookit a sausage: That is how thin your intestinal wall is. Exactly that thick and no more. Membrane.

And if a bit of a nut piece gets hung up in any of the wrinkles, you will begin to bleed pints when you take a dump. BIG problem.
Too late. I've had diverticulitis for better than five years now. Spent a week in the hospital hooked up to IVs of antibiotics and other goodies. My "trigger" is those little seeds they put on pizza. Not sure what they're called, but they have a spikey end on 'em. I can get away with eating pizza once a month or so, which is cool. Old school logic says sesame seeds are bad. They don't bother me a bit.

Hey, I'm a Cokehead! Switched to Coke Zero last time I went on a diet. A 12 pack will sometimes last me two days. Sometimes, a day and a half......:)
Too late. I've had diverticulitis for better than five years now. Spent a week in the hospital hooked up to IVs of antibiotics and other goodies. My "trigger" is those little seeds they put on pizza. Not sure what they're called, but they have a spikey end on 'em. I can get away with eating pizza once a month or so, which is cool. Old school logic says sesame seeds are bad. They don't bother me a bit.

Hey, I'm a Cokehead! Switched to Coke Zero last time I went on a diet. A 12 pack will sometimes last me two days. Sometimes, a day and a half......:)
Yea I drink a lot of coke also but I switch up between coke and Pepsi
I thought this was funny in a good funny way
Pic without comment except to save you counting 24 fargin teaspoons of sugar:


Trail mix as a staple food will lead you to the above sort of binge-eating insanity. THREE of them, y'say?

72 teaspoons of sugar, and you thought nuffin of it... Hmm...

If you were 12, you'd either be a hyper kid, or a fat kid. But older than that, and you'll be a grownup in a dangerous territory.
And just who told you to eat or drink anything before a blood test for Diabetes
LOL 3 Cokes must have been off then scale
It was a check up to reup my lung meds, which I rarely need, and yes, I guess it was off the scale a bit.
He's tried to tell me for the last 20 years that I might have kidney/bladder cancer. If I'd had untreated renal cancer, I'd have been underground 15 years ago. If I go in in the summer, I have trace blood in my urine. If I go in during the winter time, it's clear. He fails to correlate that fact to the fact that, in the summer, I mow six acres or more, most of it field. Lot of bouncing around on a tractor that wasn't built for comfort. In the winter, I don't mow. No mowing = no blood.
I know this ole bod.

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