The Original Old Farts Club

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I know this place members wise is huge. It is nice to see that there are more and some new active ones. And maybe it is just my perception. I am still on usually in the AM and later in the PM. My work is unpredictable even being self employed, I am the only employee. I hope to get to hang and cause minor trouble next week. Peace to all the followers of our little secret (for many) hobby. - Side note - Bugus and Bogus Monkey is my handle at many sites, some not weed related. Hopefully Hopper doesn't get mad..., I post every now and then "WeedHopper for President 2024 He is tough yet fair" in a several places now. It's been getting a lot of likes. I don't know if it is people from here doing the likes. I'll stop if he tells me to, but ya, that's me too.. It would be funny if something like that went Viral as the kids say. Get some bumper stickers made up. I'm out again and Hopper if you want to delete this and me stop, No Problem. I probably should have checked with you first.
Mad about what ya fking stoner?
Okay I had to read it again. It's early. My brain took a minute to figure out what the h.ell you were talking about.😁
Ya funny fker. Post away. Nobody has a clue who Weedhopper is anyway. Their just sick of the idiot thats screwing up our Country and would vote for anybody besides him,even someone they don't know.😁
Now I gotta bye a bigger hat. This one feels a bit tight 😂😂😂🤠
By the way I'm giving out joints instead of buttons on the campaign trail.🙈🙉🙊
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Awright... It is not often that your weed less-than-amateur can come up with big-ass weed news that is, well... extremely important:
Seems that the dems (in control) say they are going to pass a bill de-criminalizing weed, and taking it off the Federabobble Bad Sheet List.

That, among other things, may/will cause a seminal change in growers setups. AND TAXES!!!

"The Democrat-controlled House is expected this week to pass legislation that will legalize marijuana.

"The initiative has close to full support from House Democrats and a powerful friend in Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer, who is hoping to introduce a Senate version of the bill this spring.

"That bill, authored by Rep. Nadler and called the “Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act,” would, in the words of the Hill:

remove cannabis from the list of federal controlled substances and eliminate criminal penalties associated with the drug."
Mad about what ya fking stoner?
Okay I had to read it again. It's early. My brain took a minute to figure out what the h.ell you were talking about.😁
Ya funny fker. Post away. Nobody has a clue who Weedhopper is anyway. Their just sick of the idiot thats screwing up our Country and would vote for anybody besides him,even someone they don't know.😁
Now I gotta bye a bigger hat. This one feels a bit tight 😂😂😂🤠
By the way I'm giving out joints instead of buttons on the campaign trail.🙈🙉🙊
need security ?
Awright... It is not often that your weed less-than-amateur can come up with big-ass weed news that is, well... extremely important:
Seems that the dems (in control) say they are going to pass a bill de-criminalizing weed, and taking it off the Federabobble Bad Sheet List.

That, among other things, may/will cause a seminal change in growers setups. AND TAXES!!!

"The Democrat-controlled House is expected this week to pass legislation that will legalize marijuana.

"The initiative has close to full support from House Democrats and a powerful friend in Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer, who is hoping to introduce a Senate version of the bill this spring.

"That bill, authored by Rep. Nadler and called the “Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act,” would, in the words of the Hill:

remove cannabis from the list of federal controlled substances and eliminate criminal penalties associated with the drug."
Nadler is a disgusting pig from NY who should choke on a ham sandwich the fat fock. They are going to do to weed what ever it takes to be able to get the ability to extract $ from its sales ,permits ,fees,taxes .
I believe it .
Most of the houses had to be rebuilt on 8ft stilts

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