The Original Old Farts Club

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Morn GW
Question I have a large center sliding glass pella door that I want to hook an auto opener to for my dog
it can be a remote control or push button , so the wife can open and close door from her seat. Hurts for her up and down all day (the dog goes in and out all day every 20mins hes nuts)
Ever hear of an activator that can do something like this?
Here is a perfect example. Nice fade on this lady. They were both grown the exact same way except this plant finished in 9 vs 10 weeks for the Donkey Piss.

It occurs to me that these plants could make beautiful flower arrangements... Picture a florist's presentation with a half-dozen radically different flowers.

An analogue of this:
Any suggestions on a smaller humidifier that might be carried at one of the big box chains? I hate ordering stuff off the net and especially amazon. (Just me personally) I also hate that in about 2 months I will be working again to de-humidify that exact same spot. Found a little on some older threads about low RH in the space. There was one responder to a thread that said don't even worry about it. Just to have some decent smoke I don't think I would but if I am going to give any of you people a run for bud of the month, I want to have all my bases covered. Real work for the next few days again. I still bop in and out for a bit this AM. Coffee - Pinch hits I'm buying... Where are the Coffee girls.. Big's probably still got them sleeping. Haha
Any suggestions on a smaller humidifier that might be carried at one of the big box chains? I hate ordering stuff off the net and especially amazon. (Just me personally) I also hate that in about 2 months I will be working again to de-humidify that exact same spot. Found a little on some older threads about nails low RH in the space. There was one responder to a thread that said don't even worry about it. Just to have some decent smoke I don't think I would but if I am going to give any of you people a run for bud of the month, I want to have all my bases covered. Real work for the next few days again. I still bop in and out for a bit this AM. Coffee - Pinch hits I'm buying... Where are the Coffee girls.. Big's probably still got them sleeping. Haha
He said he is still busy driving nails, coffee will be avail later
Morn GW Question I have a large center sliding glass pella door that I want to hook an auto opener to for my dog it can be a remote control or push button , so the wife can open and close door from her seat. Hurts for her up and down all day (the dog goes in and out all day every 20mins hes nuts) Ever hear of an activator that can do something like this?

If you simply open and close the sliding door, you have linear motion and five typical ways to achieve linear motion are ball screws, belt and pulleys, linear motor, wheel drive, and piston/cylinder.

I used Thompson slides and actuators extensively in equipment design and they are the precise/reliable way to accomplish your goal, albeit expensive.

Ball Screw White Paper PPC

Here is another source for both stepper ball screw motors and linear motors:
There are some cheaper belt and pulley units available.

Items for sale by bulkman3d | eBay

You might also look for a used garage door opener on Craigs List.

You could operate it with a cylinder using city water pressure.

You could open it a foot or so and insert a ¾ plywood insert in the open space to plug the opening. Drill and pin the door or drop in a board behind the door to hold it at that opening.

Cut a conventional dog door into the plywood.

They also make automated dog doors to work with patio doors activated by the dog collar:
Morning OFC. Well.... another fargin moanday! Trimming and walking today....just like all my days. Every day melts into the next. I need a change in the routine....maybe I will walk before I trim this time.

he man , you and Mrs Pute are welcome to visit our eclectic little town and enjoy a night of debauchery and epicurean delights!

stay awhile , stay forever!

Just got back from watching Jackass. Funnier than a rubber crutch! Can't remember the last time a movie kept me laughing that long. Strictly sophomoric high school type humor, enough nut shots to keep your legs crossed for hours, and just flat out funny. Well worth the price of admission.

Including my crew, there was seven people in the whole theater.

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