I just peed a little on my leg. 

Been super super busy fixing peoples sht cars and ATV's. Even fixed some old farm trucks. One was a 57 gmc 300 dump truck 270 6cly. A head job that other mecanics said was junk. Runs like new. The other was a 70 chevy C65 with a hot 427 in it. Been begging the guy to sell it to me. It's a screamer of a motor. Will roast the dully tires with the sides on the dump bed. Want to stuff it in my boy's 72 Le Mans....
Getting ready for spring planting. Hauled in 20 tonns of composted cow poo, 12 ton of wood chip and waiting on about 10 ton of used soil from one of the huge grow op's. (this load more to come) That I fix equipment for. Next up is building a trommel to screen and mix the mix. Got most of the parts (scrap) to build it. Just need some exspanded metal for the drum. You would be amazed on what people just give me for free. Always turning sht down... running out of room lol.
Been missing alot of you old farts. Hope to keep logging back in when I can.
Untill next time (morning I hope) puffpuffpass
really miss this old trainwreck TOO!!!
I took an additional day to take care of the wife as she is having a procedure done today and they have to put her under.
Good Luck BrotherWell Normally I would be getting up to go to work today. My vacation is officially over. However I took an additional day to take care of the wife as she is having a procedure done today and they have to put her under.
21 degrees(which does seem cold for Florida?), come to MI ..its -1 out this morning, the snot in your nostrils freezes. Today looks to be the coldest day of the week. of course we have to go out in this today. UGH.
It's 76F in Floriduh where Himself is sittin'.21 degrees(which does seem cold for Florida?), come to MI ..its -1 out this morning, the snot in your nostrils freezes. Today looks to be the coldest day of the week. of course we have to go out in this today. UGH.