The Original Old Farts Club

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QUOTE="Bubba, post: 1150767, member: 61564"]
Best part is, she is so tied into the Clintons, I can't hardly believe they had the balls to charge her. Maybe the house of cards is wavering. I was also reading the other day that investigations found that bug eyed Shift or whatever has a Bazillion emails to Epstein...

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I have run some tests but only up to two years. Six years should be much closer to the mark. However, after two years I believe slightly less than half had converted. I've been looking through my files and can't find many of the early ones that weren't stored online without having to search my 1300 page thread. Too much like work.

I did notice something on those tests that I have also noted on the natural decarb tinctures. The conversion rate remains the same but there's smaller change in the conversion numbers over time. In my samples the initial conversion rate was 30% over the first year, meaning 30% of the THCa converted to THC. There was no significant degradation to CBN. Over the second year the remaining 70% of the THC will lose another 21 points due to that conversion rate that remains the same. Just the numbers have changed. If you initially had something that contained 100mg, then after the first year you would have 70mg left to convert. 30% of that would be an additional 21mg, still leaving 49 to be converted. Over the following year another 30% of that converts. That's only 14.7mg of THCa converting out of that 49 in our example. It will go on beyond that in diminishing amounts and may take as long as 5-6 years to happen. I've found this in my naturally decarbed tinctures except speeded up do to the increased enzymal action in alcohol. With the flower I did notice an increase in CBN percentage.

I think you are at the best time to utilize your stuff before it starts to break down quicker, leaving a lot of CBN behind. You could probably have used it after 3 years and get good effects. When I first started I had to use trim that was given to me and it was before the days of cannabis labs. The trim I was given was 3 years old and had been stashed under the porch. I used most of it without decarbing. Couldn't test it but it seemed good to me and my friends. I believe you should be fine. Fix up a little batch to check it out if you got a bucket of it. View attachment 285114
Yep I found another hiding spot, you know me well.
Mostly stuff i was not crazy about the way it tasted when smoked so in the wall it went. I don't feel safe with it just sitting but have been in too much pain and not being able to move much .
QUOTE="Bubba, post: 1150767, member: 61564"]
Best part is, she is so tied into the Clintons, I can't hardly believe they had the balls to charge her. Maybe the house of cards is wavering. I was also reading the other day that investigations found that bug eyed Shift or whatever has a Bazillion emails to Epstein...


What thread are we in?
A bunch of beach umbrellas ? I would have ran if it
One before I go
QUOTE="Bubba, post: 1150767, member: 61564"]
Best part is, she is so tied into the Clintons, I can't hardly believe they had the balls to charge her. Maybe the house of cards is wavering. I was also reading the other day that investigations found that bug eyed Shift or whatever has a Bazillion emails to Epstein...

What thread are we in?
Note edit. Dam qwet.
I got a certified letter today from a rag head doctor I visited last thursday...after waiting an hour the shiit walked into the room and asked me how I was doing...I told him I was fine but didn't care much for sitting there for an hour that I can never get back...after telling him my concerns the prickk told me to take 2 pepsid tablets...I was informed that I cannot go back for a follow up visit due to my rudeness...if everyone who was forced to wait until the overbooked doc waltzed in shiit like this wouldn't happen as often as it does...fuggin raghead...
I can't hardly believe they had the balls to charge her. Maybe the house of cards is wavering.

The prosecution originally published that the trial would be at least 6 weeks long because they have 17 victims that would testify. But, last week and only 5 days into the trial and all victims except for two are excused from the trial ..
Yeah thats right, 5th day in the prosecution rested its case against .. Already fixed .. a few years in fed prison and then .. well, she should die inside but won't

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