The Original Old Farts Club

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I heard the Swedish ones do not have any fishy smell

my Swedish fish smells like patchouli

but those Swedes make i dish that I said no thanks , lutefisk

Oh, bloody heck, it's 10 p.m. See y'all in the morning. It will be a long eight hours for me. Chair or bed, I don't sleep. Depression, PTSD, whatever--it is getting harder and harder without my mate. I stay calm at "bedtime" because I know what I am dealing with--no relief.
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Oh, bloody heck, it's 10 p.m. See y'all in the morning. It will be a long eight hours for me. Chair or bed, I don't sleep. Depression, PTSD, whatever--it is getting harder and harder without my mate. I stay calm at "bedtime" because I know what I am dealing with--no relief.
Have you a Pet?
I find an animal tends to help fill in the voids in my life.

Try and get your mind on other things , a good hobby that you love but never had time for perhaps. Avoid booze, it is Bad for Depression.
If things get too bad talk to someone, I had a friend who never talked up until the day he shot himself.
Oh, bloody heck, it's 10 p.m. See y'all in the morning. It will be a long eight hours for me. Chair or bed, I don't sleep. Depression, PTSD, whatever--it is getting harder and harder without my mate. I stay calm at "bedtime" because I know what I am dealing with--no relief.

I've never lost a mate, but I did seek professional help following my second divorce and my father's accidental death, and I'll share what I paid premium dollar for and worked like a charm for me. Besides noting that I was holding on to deep pool of repressed anger, he advised me to exercise the major muscles in my body.

I expanded on his exercising the major muscles in my body prescription to include Zazen breathing meditation and found the combination to be the best antidote for anxiety and sleeplessness.

Zazen to recover being here now, and the exercise to burn off the adrenaline my anxiety produces and tire me out.

To exercise my major muscles, I picked fencing and martial arts, which brought more people into my universe, some of which became live long friends. Not sure what interest groups are available to you there locally, but the likely hood of you meeting someone interesting with common interests and perspectives, is where they hang out. IE: Do they have any exercise or meditation groups near you?

As noted, animals help expand our universe to include responsibilities for others beside ourselves, and animals like dogs amplify any joy we share with them and beam it back ten fold, which starts us laughing and smiling again.

If you pick the right breed, they are also both protective and snuggly as a bonus. As an additional bonus, I consider our German Shepherds excellent judges of character when folks drop by for a visit, a valuable second opinion.