The Original Old Farts Club

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Morning OFC. I can't even change a spark plug today. Techs today plug your cars computer into the dealerships and hang parts. No heavy line mechanics today. All transmissions and engines are replaced with remanufactured and not overhauled....cost of labor is to high.
What a fking day. Trucks in the shop.
The guy told me in a couple more days I would have ruined my Transmission.
The Trany cooler that's in the radiator is leaking transmission fluid into my coolant. So now I have to have a new radiator and flush the coolant system and flush my trany. 1000 bill. 😒
He damn near ordered the wrong radiator. He thought my Avalanche had a 6.1 but it has an 8.1. Very few came with an 8.1. Mines a 2500 special order.
Nutz. I guess it cant be avoided in this case, but every time I've had anything's transmission flushed other than dealer regular service, in short order I need a new transmission. In older cars/vehicle, I keep it topped up and drive on. This case it may be unavoidable, and he said it would have failed. Gone are the days of going to salvage yard and getting a transmission foe 1-2 hundred. Somewhere or the other a couple of zeros got added.

My neighbor across the street has had his BMW in the shop for over a month waiting on parts. Another covid casualty. Food shortages, gas shortages on and on ......Thanks Joe. I just put gas in my truck....put $30 in and didn't get half a tank. $3.49.9.......Lets shut down another pipeline.
This would be the "good" part.....we just had the largest rise in inflation since '08. I have been studying the Care act. If you havent already, I would talk to a good financial planner if you have a retirement account. (roth may be different story) but for those pre taxed acounts, and especially those fortunate enough to have accounts large enough to pass on to family, but otherwise you may be (or your heirs) shocked to learn what it will be taxed at without planning. Heirs fall in categories. Not all are the same, and not all are taxed the same way.

This idea of retirement accounts started around 74 or so, when it was becoming obvious you can't always depend on pensions. The idea was encouraged to work hard, store away money PRE-TAX.....nobody envisioned the rules would be changed 20 or 30 years later....This is the low hanging fruit they will come after....after this pandemic they are looking at it like ghouls.

When I moved to San Antonio I needed a car so I went to a local repair shop and asked them what cars they spent most time fixing. They all agreed it was Chrysler. One mech told me the oilways were too narrow and clogged easily so the engines burned out. Another told me the materials wore out as soon as the warranty expired. Another told me to buy Japanese. I thought it would be smart to buy a used Mercury Villager. Nissan motor and transmission. Sure it had plenty of power with its detuned Maxima engine, but all the Mercury items fell apart, including the bodywork.
Just took this. Perpetual grow at it's finest. Have plants just a few days from harvest to a couple only 2 weeks in.

As long as they replaced the muffler bearings, you should be OK. Bubba

The bearing was still good, but they had to replace the passenger side bidet on a factory recall.

Morning OFC. I can't even change a spark plug today.

In some cases just getting to a spark plug requires some dismantling or a special tool. Lots of other places that my extra large hands just won't fit anymore.

I'll bet he's still running winter air in his tires. Way past due to change to summer air.

They were still running 2013 air at that time, which they charged extra for because of it being all season and a vintage year.
Morning OFC. Hot dry one coming. Making sure everything gets a good drink. Water bill would scare Vincent Price. Gotta do what you gotta do.

A rare day where I don't have much going on. I better find something to go or Mrs Pute will have me doing honey do's......

Watching the morning news.....why is it that our children hate our flag and what it stands for.....maybe they should be required to spend a year in N Korea.
Nutz. I guess it cant be avoided in this case, but every time I've had anything's transmission flushed other than dealer regular service, in short order I need a new transmission. In older cars/vehicle, I keep it topped up and drive on. This case it may be unavoidable, and he said it would have failed. Gone are the days of going to salvage yard and getting a transmission foe 1-2 hundred. Somewhere or the other a couple of zeros got added.

That happens when they aren't flushed for along time. My Alison is flushed regularly. That trany shifts like a dream.
I bet Walt could tell us a story about the time when he battled the notorious muffler bearings
I can tell ya this: I repaired the muffler on my 1956 Ford Victoria using reclaimed junk window screen. And coat hangers (this was before tie-wraps were invented) to hold it tight. Worked fine.

And I asked my darling wife (this is in the Olden Days) to help me bleed the brakes. O dear, when I told her to stop pushing on the brake pedal, she heard it wrong and stomped it. I had a lovely brake fluid shower-bath-puddle. 🤷‍♂️

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