I make schnitzel all the time Walt with thin chops, chicken and even eggplant. I made the perfect side today for your schnitzel today.
I don’t have a name for it tho. You put a little good cheese down on parchment paper kinda in a rectangle shape, then cover it with thinnsliced potatoes overlapping them. Salt and pepper them then pop it into the oven at 390 for thirty minutes. In the meantime fry some bacon up set it aside for later use the bacon dripping to fry some onion then Some peppers, then a shredded carrot then some cabbage and last a few scallions. Set aside. Crunch up the bacon. When the potatoes and cheese is done outta the oven sprinkle a little more cheese over it not a lot then spread the cabbage veggie mix over it then the crumbled bacon then roll it up longways using the parchment paper to keep your hands off it. It will be a little hot. I use my dish towel too

when it’s all rolled up, put it back in the hot oven that is turned off by now for a few minutes to meld together. Then slice and eat.
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