The Original Old Farts Club

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I haven't had a set of redwings in ages....
We have one of those Redwing stores I believe.

Now I dont work like I used to so my boots are 7 years old.
I used mink oil or some stuff.
Im no bill gates but i believe in good shoes and good sneakers.
After wearing boots, wearing sneakers make you feel you can do ballet.
In the distance a guy comes dresses in black sets up next to us.
Some gun with a scope ,looks at us .possible sneer .I brought my hawken ,a slug gun couple of 22s.
He had something bad ass
Im teachin someone and many time i go to a range with folks and i keep them straight with misfires ,sighting in .any focken thing i do at a range is good by me
Most who dont never go are happy shooting anything.
He was starting out and did not need a auto at his stage.
Rambo gives a look at us .bring the gun up ,nephew is in awe of such Rambo .
He shoots and almost takes out his eye .
packs up and leaves.
His first lesson .
Second lesson was when the line is called FFS stand behind the line away from the benches empty handed except for coffee and a snack
Last time I was at the range, there was a 40 something dude and his young son somewhere around early teen age. The dad had some sort of modern .40 cal. and was teaching the kid how to shoot. I watched the kid take his first shot and then proceed to flinch every shot thereafter to the point he was squinting his eyes.
I'd brought a few handguns, one of which was a P22 Walther with the long barrel setup. I asked the dad if he minded his son taking a couple of shots with it. The guy said fine. The boy really enjoyed the experience. No flinch, no squint. I filled and refilled half a dozen mags for him and he smiled like a jackass eating briars. I got smiles and thank you's from the both of 'em.
Something tells me he's got a P22 coming in his future.
My 15 or so years of doing the W thing, I wore Army jungle boots. Light, a leather upper to keep OSHA happy, with a sole that sticks to steel I beams rather well.
They caused me a mild argument with a badge heavy OSHA dude once. He claimed that the boots had to be leather. I told him to read his book. They've gotta have a leather upper, toe, and heal. I also told him they had steel shanks in the soles. He questioned why I'd need a steel lined sole. I guess he'd never worked around guys that formed concrete, pealed off the wooden forms, and were too damned lazy to bend the nails over.
That pretty much ended the argument. Score one for common sense.

My 15 or so years of doing the W thing, I wore Army jungle boots. Light, a leather upper to keep OSHA happy, with a sole that sticks to steel I beams rather well.
They caused me a mild argument with a badge heavy OSHA dude once. He claimed that the boots had to be leather. I told him to read his book. They've gotta have a leather upper, toe, and heal. I also told him they had steel shanks in the soles. He questioned why I'd need a steel lined sole. I guess he'd never worked around guys that formed concrete, pealed off the wooden forms, and were too damned lazy to bend the nails over.
That pretty much ended the argument. Score one for common sense.
I wore the same surveying in Florida.
Drain and dry really fast as well as light and comfortable.
Shankless for me though as a shovel bends them and makes it uncomfortable to walk.
Size 13 4 wide..........helps walking in sugarsand.
I wore the same surveying in Florida.
Drain and dry really fast as well as light and comfortable.
Shankless for me though as a shovel bends them and makes it uncomfortable to walk.
Size 13 4 wide..........helps walking in sugarsand.
Surveying is not easy schitt.
I dont know of any surveyor who hasnt had lymes or tick disease of some sort.
My nephew was 16 at the time .
I grew up with guns he did not.
Lives in a area where too many morons with $
FFS a 100 year old gun club got nixxed because my Brothers partner got it gone .
Now he is 41 and made up for lost time with long guns and pistols .
Taking him to the range with my Brother.Got the boy hooked with the best cheese steak heros made by Genes Kitchen my friend in sound beach.
Now at the range.I was taught by a HS science teacher at a range in school.
Nerdy as hell . out shot the kids with anschutzs with a pistol.
My nephew is just startin out.
As much as wild man ,concerning guns I dont fock around .Only because it gives dooshbags ammo.
I am startin him out on the same target 22 I had at his age. group ,placement ,etiquette at a range ect.
In the distance a guy comes dresses in black sets up next to us.
Some gun with a scope ,looks at us .possible sneer .I brought my hawken ,a slug gun couple of 22s.
He had something bad ass
Im teachin someone and many time i go to a range with folks and i keep them straight with misfires ,sighting in .any focken thing i do at a range is good by me
Most who dont never go are happy shooting anything.
He was starting out and did not need a auto at his stage.
Rambo gives a look at us .bring the gun up ,nephew is in awe of such Rambo .
He shoots and almost takes out his eye .
packs up and leaves.
His first lesson .
Second lesson was when the line is called FFS stand behind the line away from the benches empty handed except for coffee and a snack
I go to an indoor range close by and to a buddy's place in the sticks. I don't have any use for the Rambo types, and do my best to just stay away from them. I agree...any range time is good time. I've been shooting all my life - first time at age 5. My dad gave me a .22 rifle when I turned 12. I had full access to it and I bought my own ammo when I could and shot it whenever I wanted to. Learned how to take care of it, and still have it today.

My bil decided late in life that he wanted to exercise his 2A. He's a couple years younger than me, and had never shot a gun before. So he called me for advice. We went to a CCW class together, went to the range together a couple times (got him in the simulator for half an hour! Ran out of and he eventually bought himself one and practices regularly.

First time he came to my house to get the party started, he walked in and I was holding a CO2 bb pistol on the opposite end of the room. I told him that when he hears about some kid gettin' shot in a park at 3 AM "but he only had a bb gun", it likely looked just like mine does - from 6 feet away in daylight it looks just like a Glock. Dark, there's no way to tell. He had no idea bb guns looked like that. He knew nothing about firearms at all. "AR means A-----t R---e, right?" Um, nope.

Let's hit the books, Dave. RULE#1 SAFETY FIRST! RULE #2 SEE RULE #1!

We spent around a month together I think. I took him to a big gun show, and explained the NICS process and the 'gun show loophole'. He shot my SR22 and said he liked my lcp. I said "uh huh". I let him have one round in it at the range - turned out he's not such a fan after all! lol

When all was done, we'd had a good time together, he learned a lot and he came away with a better understanding of things than what he'd gotten from his media sources, if you catch my drift. He was a lifelong programmer with smaller hands and wanted something that he wasn't afraid to shoot. Ended up with a Shield EZ and he loves it.
Is that how you met GF? In the shoe store?View attachment 346700
I did meet some pretty ladies selling shoes, but a mutual friend invited both of us to the same party as a setup, long after I stopped selling shoes. Both of us were two-time losers, so we dated for a decade and lived together a couple of years, before getting brave enough to get married 39 years ago.
Last time I was at the range, there was a 40 something dude and his young son somewhere around early teen age. The dad had some sort of modern .40 cal. and was teaching the kid how to shoot. I watched the kid take his first shot and then proceed to flinch every shot thereafter to the point he was squinting his eyes.
I'd brought a few handguns, one of which was a P22 Walther with the long barrel setup. I asked the dad if he minded his son taking a couple of shots with it. The guy said fine. The boy really enjoyed the experience. No flinch, no squint. I filled and refilled half a dozen mags for him and he smiled like a jackass eating briars. I got smiles and thank you's from the both of 'em.
Something tells me he's got a P22 coming in his future.
I have a Buck Mark for beginners. Well, for me, too. I love shooting that thing!
I shot cans and bottles with my dad from preschool age and had my own Stevens Crackshot 22 by age 10. I bought my own Colt Frontier Scout at age 12. My dad made me memorize the Shooters Bible before he would let me touch a firearm.

I competed High Power and Long Range at the Douglas Ridge Gun Club and shot with friends at the Tri Counties Gun Club but had the most fun shooting at a local rock quarry. Less waiting on others to clear the range and no complaints about the 50 BMG noise or blast.

The most fun I really ever remember having with a gun was with a scoped 10-22 by myself, sitting on a bank and shooting at white pebbles in red sand. Place the crosshairs on a white pebble, pull the trigger and watch it disappear. No one to brag to, just personal satisfaction.

The second most fun was out scoring the state High Power Champion shooting 200 yard sitting rapid fire one afternoon out practicing with him. Sadly sitting rapid fire is the only thing I ever beat him at and then not consistently.
I have a Ruger Mark ll with a scope on it.
Bust bottle caps all day long at 50 yards, if I got a good rest.
I never was a very good shot freehand, with pistol, or rifle.
I love me some Rugers! Don't have one of those, though.
I used to be a great shot, but uncle Arthur Itis, combined with a weakened sense of balance has led me to be less than stellar anymore, freehand. That's what benches and BOG's are made for these days. lol


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I love me some Rugers! Don't have one of those, though.
I used to be a great shot, but uncle Arthur Itis, combined with a weakened sense of balance has led me to be less than stellar anymore, freehand. That's what benches and BOG's are made for these days. lol
Offhand is my worst position too, as it is with most people. The tongue in cheek rule is that High Power tournaments are won on the 600-yard line prone and lost on the 200-yard line standing off hand.

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