Go to Central America. Blue Jays are 3 times as big as here...An amnesiac walks into a bar. He goes up to a beautiful girl and asks "So, do I come here often?"
Go to Central America. Blue Jays are 3 times as big as here...An amnesiac walks into a bar. He goes up to a beautiful girl and asks "So, do I come here often?"
And smart! When I feed the squirrels peanuts in the park, the crows land short and strut up to the peanuts, place one on top the another, and fly away with two in their beaks. The Scrub and Steller Jays fly in fast, stop short, make quick hops to the peanut, grab it and fly away to hide it.Bluejay's are my favorite birds! They're absolutely gorgeous, and raucous, and arrogant, and when a bunch of them are in my trees hollerin' I'll always make my way outside just to enjoy their racket!
Stopped taking the meds again? Oh no....And smart! When I feed the squirrels peanuts in the park, the crows land short and strut up to the peanuts, place one on top the another, and fly away with two in their beaks. The Scrub and Steller Jays fly in fast, stop short, make quick hops to the peanut, grab it and fly away to hide it.
One of the Scrub Jays participating started stacking them and flying away with two and when they mated that season, their mate started carrying two.
The Jays followed us home from the park and started sitting on our patio and calling to us to come feed them. One would spot us in the hood on a dog walk and follow us through the hood, landing on near branches and telling us to feed them.
??Stopped taking the meds again? Oh no....
I still have a full head of hair. White hair that is!It pays to be a wolf! I continue to shed lots of hair in my hairbrush, leaving me to ponder why I still have thick hair instead of going bald. Indeed if anything I've grown hairier, counting the hair on my back, neck, and spilling out of my nose and ears.
Blue Jays are mean! The chase the smaller birds away from my bird feeders. They also hog all of the peanuts!I love blue jays too but my old fat cat fritz would go out in the middle of the yard and wait for them to swoop down catching one and eating it often.
They also eat little birds in their nests, just like Crows, Magpies, and all the raptors.Blue Jays are mean! The chase the smaller birds away from my bird feeders. They also hog all of the peanuts!
Looks more like a High School Field Hockey teamthis place is rockin’ for a Moanday morning
15 degrees here , going up to a balmy 48
found an old photo of Irene’s Aunt Gladys and her friends at the beach
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Lol i misread the Fartesses and thought it ssid fatasses! Lol I guess I need mass quantities of coffeeGood morning crochety old farts and kindly fartesses! Let the joy of Moonday commence..............View attachment 345314View attachment 345315View attachment 345316
View attachment 345317
My grandmother loved her some Kojak!
Just a joke about the blue jays following...
Guess what they ain't wearin'...?this place is rockin’ for a Moanday morning
15 degrees here , going up to a balmy 48
found an old photo of Irene’s Aunt Gladys and her friends at the beach
View attachment 345330
And when did women shave their legs back thenflip flops!
ROFL!flip flops!
Good question!And when did women shave their legs back then
I call Shenanigans
30 more pounds and she'd be Roster Class. He likes 'em fluffy.Blecchh! He can have my share. There ain't a single purty part on that pulchritude.
I don't see many jays here. Back in the old hood, they were the dominant birds.Ever watch them lure a cat up to the top of a tree?
They get the cat up there by having one bird pretend to be injured and as the cat climbs after it the bird hops up a little higher at a time until it to the top.
Then the gang swoops in an attacks, I use to watch them try to kill my sister's cat, Time for my bb gun to come out.
Nasty birds but smart.