The Original Old Farts Club

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UFO TIME FOR WALTIE-- Awright, just 30 minutes ago, I was standing out in the dark, doing my morning ritual of trying to truly see Andromeda Galaxy (faint purple glow). The early darkness was totally still, with light clouds.

*FLASH* A brilliant light -- much like a flashbulb -- had gone off over to my right partially hidden by the high branches of some of my pine trees. As I was walking to get a better look at that part of the sky --

*FLASH* Again, a 1/100th second brilliance seemed to almost light the place I was now standing at. <-- Bad English, but I am a bit rattled. To continue: But this time, the flash was in clear sky but not really where I was looking... it had moved quite a ways from the first flash.

It was clearly just above most the scattered cloud layer. It got reflected from a couple of clouds. OK, just a curiousity, right. Wait for the denouement (day-noom-wah):

While I was searching that section, the third flash went off directly above the second one. It was miles high. That one, I happened to be looking straight at.

I am a pragmatist.

My conclusion: There is tech or organics on our planet about which I am not aware.

I've got a Bugatti and another triple headed cigar torches that I swear you could sweat a copper pipe with...I've had my mustache since college and torched one side using a torch to light a roach while was difficult to cut the good half off...
I was painting the ceiling in my wife's bathroom. It was July, and I had a fan in the window to pull the fumes out. Big old glob of paint fell off the roller into my 'stache. I didn't want to stop, and I figgered I could just pick the paint out of my facial foliage. I couldn't. Ended up cutting my whole cookie duster off. Like you, I'd had it all my adult life.

Later, I was in the shower. Ma came home, stuck her head in the bathroom door to say hi. When I peeked around the shower curtain my reception was less than pleasant. She called me a smelly orifice (sorry, mods), in fact, and slammed the door. lol

To this day she swears I did it on purpose. I did not. Not Back Then. 😇
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UFO TIME FOR WALTIE-- Awright, just 30 minutes ago, I was standing out in the dark, doing my morning ritual of trying to truly see Andromeda Galaxy (faint purple glow). The early darkness was totally still, with light clouds.

*FLASH* A brilliant light -- much like a flashbulb -- had gone off over to my right partially hidden by the high branches of some of my pine trees. As I was walking to get a better look at that part of the sky --

*FLASH* Again, a 1/100th second brilliance seemed to almost light the place I was now standing at. <-- Bad English, but I am a bit rattled. To continue: But this time, the flash was in clear sky but not really where I was looking... it had moved quite a ways from the first flash.

It was clearly just above most the scattered cloud layer. It got reflected from a couple of clouds. OK, just a curiousity, right. Wait for the denouement (day-noom-wah):

While I was searching that section, the third flash went off directly above the second one. It was miles high. That one, I happened to be looking straight at.

I am a pragmatist.

My conclusion: There is tech or organics on our planet about which I am not aware.
It's 0530 at my house right now, and when I walk outside I see a satellite in the Eastern sky, above the horizon.
Many years ago when I still lived in Florida I was having my morning coffee while leaning on the hood of my pickup, looking to the west toward the Gulf. I saw a similar light in the sky, above the western horizon. I'd never seen it there before, and I watched for a bit. Then it moved across the sky in total silence from the western horizon to the eastern horizon in maybe 1.5-2 seconds, disappearing into the morning sky.

"My conclusion: There is tech or organics on our planet about which I am not aware."

I fully concur.
UFO TIME FOR WALTIE-- Awright, just 30 minutes ago, I was standing out in the dark, doing my morning ritual of trying to truly see Andromeda Galaxy (faint purple glow). The early darkness was totally still, with light clouds.

*FLASH* A brilliant light -- much like a flashbulb -- had gone off over to my right partially hidden by the high branches of some of my pine trees. As I was walking to get a better look at that part of the sky --

*FLASH* Again, a 1/100th second brilliance seemed to almost light the place I was now standing at. <-- Bad English, but I am a bit rattled. To continue: But this time, the flash was in clear sky but not really where I was looking... it had moved quite a ways from the first flash.

It was clearly just above most the scattered cloud layer. It got reflected from a couple of clouds. OK, just a curiousity, right. Wait for the denouement (day-noom-wah):

While I was searching that section, the third flash went off directly above the second one. It was miles high. That one, I happened to be looking straight at.

I am a pragmatist.

My conclusion: There is tech or organics on our planet about which I am not aware.
Rincolns, arsehole. You need to acquire a positive IQ. Sometimes your humor has the power of a falling fig: A fig newton. Worth half of a large intestine: a semicolon. Hey... not bad, Unca.

Lessee... you have a million aches, right? That's a megahertz. Speaking of millions, if you have a million-million microphones, you have one megaphone. Do the math.

Can we get way back up to the 8th grade wit and wisdom level for another moment? My dick may not be 12 inches long, but it smells like a foot.

IQ button pressed. Fagjoke button disabled (momentarily, don't panic).

What I saw this morning was not Roster level stuff. It was really spectacular from an intelligence POV.

Considering the learned response, I can suddenly understand why many folks just do not mention these observed events to strangers.
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Is that wishful thinking on your part Patwi?
Thank God is was a joke and a set up. They are just kids having fun no matter what color they are.
Although I wouldn't put it past the assholes in Chicago or a Fking redneck Hillbilly with a sheet over his head.
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