I’m heading off to the gym, trying to keep the gears lubed and moving…its too easy to get complacent and stiffen up like most of my buddies…
I renamed my bathroom to "the gym". So I go to the gym most every day...
While we are onnit!! Just came running in with Herself because it was starting to rain fit to frighten Noah... But we discovered that after 20+ years, our swamp apple tree has nine lovely apples on it on a branch no thicker than your fingie.
HAH!! Mebbe I can't grow weed, and mebbe I can't grow vegetables, and mebbe I can't grow... WAITAMINNIT!
Anyway, I can grow swamp apples. Rare as fuzzy lizards. Here's the beast, naked before your eyes.
Now, despite the fact that they are bitter as vetch, they can be made into a jelly. They turn yellow (I am told) when they are ripe.
Now I am going to boil nine
tanna leaves so Kharis walks...
tanna-leaf plant only grew in the shadow of the older pyramids, and became extinct before the Great Pyramid was begun.