That is what hobbies are for.....spend every bit of disposable income you have left. Fortunately I already have all that s-hit. But every year I still drop hundred in those places.We certainly have our share in the middle of the state, you don’t walk into one of those places without a lot of money…
AmazonYea I could see that being an expensive visit sadly we do not have those northern Florida
Still there with Poospatuck Indians .Now they sell cigarettes out the wazoo and all kinds of weed and anything thc relatedWhen I wuz a kid, there was an Indian "place" someone in the car called Poospatuck, and we were in it. I din' know if it was a reservation in the true meaning of the word. We laughed at the street name: Poospatuck. It was just part of an ordinary town (Riverhead).
kinda looks likes you assembled it wrong !
No Dumfukastan is a place I go to in my head ...!afghanistan?
...Sprinkles hash in a bowl. Tokes a short hit. Dumps it out.I should be ashamed of myself......If you only knew how much pot I waste. The taste and flavor goes away after about 3 hits.....time to reload. That is why I don't smoke joints! After about 3 hits it tastes like ash to me.....blah......
My worst offense is hash. At night when I go to bet I sprinkle hash in a bowl and it knocks me out. Next day a dump what is in the bowl and start fresh.....wonder how much hash I waste.....Frankly My Dear....I don't give a damn.
@boo -- Do you have a deed with your property description on it? (eg: "Beginning at a point..." Or a deed/plot plan map of your land? Back in the Olden Days I was a surveyor, so I know there will be an actual rough map of your land available to view in the tax office. <-- Oh, wait. I see you have the tax map already. Good. That will be close enough to determine the real line.I see no way that after 40 years and multiple owners of the empty lot where the fence resides wouldn’t have been discovered by now. My tax certificate gives me the physical dimensions of my lot, so I will go down tomorrow with a big tape measure and see how far it is from one fence to the next. If the numbers bear proof positive, I will start playing games with the idiot that wants my property. I am so tired of dealing with idiots yet The game has just begun with the new rules of our society…
I will make you some....stop by. I have that and kief stored in jars........Sprinkles hash in a bowl. Tokes a short bit. Dumps it out.
He doesn't care if he is sacrilegious (*sob*)
I hit 100+ visible exhales from a glass tube thingy that gave me THREE inhales. Used the Volcano bag to recycle the smoke until it was truly gone and most ricky-tick not wasted.
I cannot be faulted for wasting hash. Never have seen any even in pictures.
Just imagined Walt sifting thru your ashtrays where you empty your pipe in the morning. I sent him a beautiful Marley rolled by yours truly with delicious grandaddy purple and kief and he unrolled it and took it apart to get 1953 hits off of it in his bagI will make you some....stop by. I have that and kief stored in jars.....
Your Neighbor not named Jeremy Hales is heI see no way that after 40 years and multiple owners of the empty lot where the fence resides wouldn’t have been discovered by now. My tax certificate gives me the physical dimensions of my lot, so I will go down tomorrow with a big tape measure and see how far it is from one fence to the next. If the numbers bear proof positive, I will start playing games with the idiot that wants my property. I am so tired of dealing with idiots yet The game has just begun with the new rules of our society…
I have no idea as to who owns the property, I was contacted by an insurance agent with a bug up her asss...the property has been bought and sold a few times since I built mine many moons ago, you'd think this would have popped up years ago......I hired a contractor to install said fence and never gave it any thought...Your Neighbor not named Jeremy Hales is he
I use a earth box and I am happy , just like I am when I walk into a Chinese Buffet ...Hello everyone.
I'm going to use SIP (self watering soil buckets) on my next grow. For many reasons I can't cook my own TLO soil. I was thinking about getting maybe some Roots Organics Original Potting Soil, and then add some microbial inoculant (or not). This is because I don't want to hassle with PH and synthetic nutes. Does this sound viable or should I just stick with the Fox Farm products?
---- SOMEWHERE ---- somehow... I have acquired a new item for my Bucket List.I will make you some....stop by. I have that and kief stored in jars.....
You OK?longer night...
Hee, hee, hee, here is one for you Walt.I should be ashamed of myself......If you only knew how much pot I waste. The taste and flavor goes away after about 3 hits.....time to reload. That is why I don't smoke joints! After about 3 hits it tastes like ash to me.....blah......
My worst offense is hash. At night when I go to bet I sprinkle hash in a bowl and it knocks me out. Next day a dump what is in the bowl and start fresh.....wonder how much hash I waste.....Frankly My Dear....I don't give a damn.