Gooode morning all! A lovely new rainy day in Paradise.

Always wondered if all the rain y’all get out there causes depression. I know when it rains here for several days in a row my mind and body miss the sun.Gooode morning all! A lovely new rainy day in Paradise.View attachment 324423
Very Healthy Looking
Amazing just amazing
A good point, as Oregon has a high suicide rate, though not as high as sunnier states like Arizona or for instance Oklahoma, where I grew up.Always wondered if all the rain y’all get out there causes depression. I know when it rains here for several days in a row my mind and body miss the sun.
I actually love it when it rains but just not for days in a row. We just had a good rain and wind that helped wash some of that pollen down making it a bit easier to breath as that is a big problem in this area and everyone I know takes antihistamines Y’all have some beautiful trees and flowers on the west coast and I’m sure the rain is part of that. So I know it has its good side. I think if I lived there I would get me one of those tanning beds to at least get some of the fake sun I give my plants.A good point, as Oregon has a high suicide rate, though not as high as sunnier states like Arizona or for instance Oklahoma, where I grew up.
The point to remember there is that most of Oregon is arid and it is only the coast and valley that experience excessive rainfall. It is the arid parts of the state that may be responsible for us being only number 10 in the nation.
It doesn't affect me much anymore, but Grayfox grouses about the rain a lot, so it's clear it bothers her. She also takes vitamin D3 to offset the lack of sunshine.
What I like about the rain, is the vibrant green it produces, the freshly scrubbed air, and the snow at higher elevations keeps our reservoirs full of crystal clear snow melt for potable water.
You got me interested in Oregon suicide rate by part of state and was amazed to discover that although the highest and fourth highest are on the Oregon coast with heavy rainfall, the second, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh are on the east side of the cascades and arid. Here is a county map to compare the attached PDF of suicide rate by county to compare:A good point, as Oregon has a high suicide rate, though not as high as sunnier states like Arizona or for instance Oklahoma, where I grew up.
The point to remember there is that most of Oregon is arid and it is only the coast and valley that experience excessive rainfall. It is the arid parts of the state that may be responsible for us being only number 10 in the nation.
It doesn't affect me much anymore, but Grayfox grouses about the rain a lot, so it's clear it bothers her. She also takes vitamin D3 to offset the lack of sunshine.
What I like about the rain, is the vibrant green it produces, the freshly scrubbed air, and the snow at higher elevations keeps our reservoirs full of crystal clear snow melt for potable water.
Boo If you have this type of toad you may want to bring your boy in.I am beginning to think that Ivan might become a casualty. More often than not. His mouth is salivating like a mastiff because he’s out eating toads and lizards. I’ve got a call into the vet, but I really don’t want Ivan to become a regular patron over there because of his antics…