The Original Old Farts Club

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Watch what dog foods you use. Dog food is one of the biggest killer of your dogs. Thats a fact. Not to mention the pesticides you use to kill fleas.Cancer is on the uptick with dogs and cats,,, why? Diet and Pesticides that you feed them or put on their skin.
My dog is so much healthier now then my last dog. We dont ever use pesticides for fleas nor do i feed him that cheap ass ****** dog food to my dog.
Fromms is one of the best for the price and its made with great products and care.

Good point on the systemic oral pesticides. Our dogs growing up had more fleas, but mostly died of old age, which was their worst fault.

Good point on the food as well. We have Miss Layla on a special diet as we speak, and have always fed her premium food, but something sure happened. The last test showed her pancreas enzymes were out of whack, so it certainly could have been something she ate.

this is my only small block car gray, 327/300 hp with a 3.23 screw...she's a cruiser, far different than all my other rides...I love big block 4 speed bench seat cars...

The 300 hp 327 with 1.94 intake valves was a screamer back in the day and a 323 is a good compromise ratio between road speed and acceleration. Which carburetor did yours come with?

Drift There is a silver Mica shield that goes bad on the wall inside the Microwave, it is held in place by two plastic push in pins, They sell new peices of Mica on Ebay and you can cut and drill to make a replacement shield, When the shield is bad you will hear sparking and see flashing like someone put foil or metal in there.Very easy fix, but helll 13 yrs get a new one, for sure,The Mica shield is a cover for the Magnatron and Wave cavity

Good to know! Those were the symptoms that caused me to replace our first and last good microwave. Since then, they have just quit working.......
Good point on the systemic oral pesticides. Our dogs growing up had more fleas, but mostly died of old age, which was their worst fault.

Good point on the food as well. We have Miss Layla on a special diet as we speak, and have always fed her premium food, but something sure happened. The last test showed her pancreas enzymes were out of whack, so it certainly could have been something she ate.

The 300 hp 327 with 1.94 intake valves was a screamer back in the day and a 323 is a good compromise ratio between road speed and acceleration. Which carburetor did yours come with?

Good to know! Those were the symptoms that caused me to replace our first and last good microwave. Since then, they have just quit working.......
They sell 10 sheets for like 10 dollars if you look around
Cheap enough to fix 10 microwavesll
Morning! Full day of trimming waiting for me. Somehow need to find the time for my and then the usual at the lake.

Hopper is gonna be out of town and I will be manning all be good!!!
Image result for time to play
Walt , you have no fear......I would be afraid that my tool might get caught in the lathe
oh my
I DID have a fun learning 'sperience -- I bought a wood turning chisel at a yard sale. It was very old and high quality. The chisel was a razor.

In my innocent stupiditity, I did NOT change out and make a new handle. There I wuz, cutting an oak bowl, and the chisel hit a hard(er) spot. The handle snapped as you can see.


The exciting part was that the blade went whipping over my right shoulder to fly all the way across the garage, where the pointy end stuck deep in the concrete block wall!!! o_O😦😲😮

Big -- I am not afraid of anything... and that scares me.
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Wait , You mean that is not what he was trying for, I saw the ring has been made already
Nope. That ring was part of the original piece of oak. I invented a tool that enabled me to fabricate it thisaway... wonder if I could patent it? I tried to patent my digital grandfather clock...


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