so , your gonna leave her til i tell you when still? cause your not close yet brother...still seeing 50/50, maybe 40/60...i know what you want. you've explained it fully, and i understand the high you are looking for...don't know where you got chop friday from??? do not chop friday!!! hang in there, the best is yet to come...stay on the exact same schedule we spoke about brother Chef. don't change a thing...
i'll pm you with the changes to be made very me bro...i have your best interest in mind...i want you to reach your full potential as a master grower...your taking steps now to reach this achievement...your getting very close to the prize Chef...
also, it will help at this point to talk to her like a queen...praise her often...whisper in her calyx sweet nothings...speak softly, and slowly...speak to her at lights on, and just before lights off...tell her to sleep well, and become the volumptious queen she is meant to be...tell her you'll always be there when she wakes, and you will be her everlasting servant til all days end...tell her you love her...(then go repeat same to wifey, so's she don't get jealous, and kill the queen) :fly:
hit this brother Chef...:48: ........................
your getting close...keep your eyes on the prize bud..................