Tell me again how tall your space is? LEDs REQUIRE a space of 24" between the tops of the plants and the lights. I would not attempt to use LEDs in a space less than 6.5-7 feet tall. Is your space that tall?
Do you have enough money to buy 3 fixtures, a good quality exhaust fan, and the other things you need to grow? I am trying to let you know all the facts. Picking a light is not simply as simply as just choosing something that looks or sounds good to you. You have to look at the space YOU have available and determine what will work for YOU--not random people on You Tube. You have to look at how the light is used and use realistic figures from real growers to determine if something is as good as it sounds or just someone trying to make money. Don't let crap from the salespeople (all salespeople)cloud your judgment. There are always a lot of considerations. And it is not that LEDs are without heat. You will still need ventilation. LEDs are great if you can afford to get enough of them and if you have the room to provide a 24' gap between the lights and the plants. It also requires some other special things that are a bit different than growing with other lights, but there are people here to guide you, should you decide on LEDs.