Just wanted to share from my experience: if you are growing outdoors, you must supercrop / top! When you leave MJ to grow without pruning in this way, it grows straight up, huge leaves, and is so easily seen to be MJ.
When you supercrop the top splits, the lower branches also grow quicker, and it becomes more of a "bush". The leaves also seem to be smaller for a time as it concentrates more on branch growth (= more yield), and less on increasing the size of the fan leaves.
Then as it gets older and bigger you can supercrop again many more of those branches and the process starts again. Think of the plant as the shape of a pole. Then you supercrop and it becomes a V shape. Then at each of those branches you supercrop and they each become V shapes.
By now the plant has become so bushy that it no longer looks like MJ from afar - it looks like a bush, and all the leaves from afar "conceal" the other leaves in a blur of green, so it is so much easier to camoflauge the plant in this manner.
...AND you have the added benefit of a much higher yield per plant since you are growing so many "main" colas now instead of just one.
Just wanted to share from my experience: if you are growing outdoors, you must supercrop / top! When you leave MJ to grow without pruning in this way, it grows straight up, huge leaves, and is so easily seen to be MJ.
When you supercrop the top splits, the lower branches also grow quicker, and it becomes more of a "bush". The leaves also seem to be smaller for a time as it concentrates more on branch growth (= more yield), and less on increasing the size of the fan leaves.
Then as it gets older and bigger you can supercrop again many more of those branches and the process starts again. Think of the plant as the shape of a pole. Then you supercrop and it becomes a V shape. Then at each of those branches you supercrop and they each become V shapes.
By now the plant has become so bushy that it no longer looks like MJ from afar - it looks like a bush, and all the leaves from afar "conceal" the other leaves in a blur of green, so it is so much easier to camoflauge the plant in this manner.
...AND you have the added benefit of a much higher yield per plant since you are growing so many "main" colas now instead of just one.