SubGirl’s Garden

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Sub Thrips are not that bad
As long as you can control the soil ones your buds should be fine.
Yes I guess I realize that now. I thought it was gonna be like spider mites at first. I think from now on, I will treat my tent with some spinosad now and then in the early stages. I never had bugs before and as much as I sterilized everything I still got them. Makes me wonder if y’all tent growers treat with anything during veg and early flower for GP
Yes I guess I realize that now. I thought it was gonna be like spider mites at first. I think from now on, I will treat my tent with some spinosad now and then in the early stages. I never had bugs before and as much as I sterilized everything I still got them. Makes me wonder if y’all tent growers treat with anything during veg and early flower for GP
I only ever did if I knew I had or saw signs , I never bring in others clones
Aren't there three of ya's growing the freakshow? I'm watchin' close. I might be tempted to try some next year if yours turns out well.
yes, @CrashMagnet and @oldfogey8 both have them.
I’m gonna start them way early if I do plant them next year they are a cool looking plant. Who knows what they smoke like but I’ll let you know if they ever get to that point.
If you guys feel happy with it, I'll start some inside this winter so I've got time to clone the ladies and grow 'em up large enough to finish in my area.
I don't worry about them revegging when I put 'em out 'cause I run my lights 24/7 while they're in veg.
yes, @CrashMagnet and @oldfogey8 both have them.
I’m gonna start them way early if I do plant them next year they are a cool looking plant. Who knows what they smoke like but I’ll let you know if they ever get to that point.
I would have planted several had I known how slow they start. By the looks of it, it will be weeks more until I know if I have a female.
Very pretty. Still looks healthy to me. Who knew it would take 6 months to get out of the seedling stage 😂
I thought I would just have some ornamental smallish yard plants but these may be my fall tent plants. Or they could surprise me and surge. Either/or. I am growing them for fun. I appreciate @CrashMagnet for turning me on to these. I needed a diversion.

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