Storing water

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Aug 28, 2023
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This may be a silly question, but I’ll ask anyway. I moved a couple of potted plants to a new location on my property that gets better sun. It is a bit of a walk to get there and I’d like to make it easier in the morning to water quickly before going to work. I ran long hoses through the woods to the new area. Would there be any issue with mixing up ph adjustments and nutes ahead of time in a couple 5 gallon buckets with lids and storing in the sun for a few days?
This may be a silly question, but I’ll ask anyway. I moved a couple of potted plants to a new location on my property that gets better sun. It is a bit of a walk to get there and I’d like to make it easier in the morning to water quickly before going to work. I ran long hoses through the woods to the new area. Would there be any issue with mixing up ph adjustments and nutes ahead of time in a couple 5 gallon buckets with lids and storing in the sun for a few days?
You'll want to keep them cool, so like roster said, bury them.
Also plan to use them within a 5 or 7day period.

Have you considered using an organic top dress and just add water till harvest? That's my suggestion for ANY outdoor grower. It makes it so much easier and your plants are well fed when it's rainy
This may be a silly question, but I’ll ask anyway. I moved a couple of potted plants to a new location on my property that gets better sun. It is a bit of a walk to get there and I’d like to make it easier in the morning to water quickly before going to work. I ran long hoses through the woods to the new area. Would there be any issue with mixing up ph adjustments and nutes ahead of time in a couple 5 gallon buckets with lids and storing in the sun for a few days?
No sun
You'll want to keep them cool, so like roster said, bury them.
Also plan to use them within a 5 or 7day period.

Have you considered using an organic top dress and just add water till harvest? That's my suggestion for ANY outdoor grower. It makes it so much easier and your plants are well fed when it's rainy
That’s interesting. What do you recommend for the top dress?
Gaia green
Down to earth
Dr. Earth
Build a soil
Just to name a few 😃
I've used gaia green and dr earth. Both amazing products.

I used dr earth home grown 4-6-3 outside from the time I put them out till 3ish weeks before harvest.

Gaia green I ran inside and it's smelly smelly stuff so I went back to salts inside and organic top dress outside

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