Sopappy's grow

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I caught the joke Sopappy.. it wasn't lost on me.

In today's world, that joke isn't as accepted but 20 years ago people would've been rolling over lol.

Thanks for that, Doc. I'm really a pretty decent guy, I just like black humour. It's just SO rude that i can't help but laugh.
No worries, and yes it is really hard to place tone and voice inflection into the written word when we really communicate visually and through visual cues. I'm not angry pappy lets just move on bro :)
No worries, and yes it is really hard to place tone and voice inflection into the written word when we really communicate visually and through visual cues. I'm not angry pappy lets just move on bro :)

Still feeling kinda crummy today... I'm deleting it. I never laughed at those kids back then and I don't mean to make fun of them now. It was more that i liked the delayed reaction of trying to figure out the short bus reference but no excuses, it was boorish to say the least.
Hmm pappy, lets find out why your getting pythium. What are the res temps? Do you have good aeration in the res? Is there light leaks? We gotta find the problem, fix it and not have to spend 100 bucks. Go get some H2o2, the 35% kind (mix it 50/50 with water). Dip the roots/basket in it for a few sec and then into clean water, do dips in each about ten times (making sure you get all the roots up to the stem) and then set the roots/basket in clean water, then get some rubber gloves and use a 50/50 mix to clean everything well, then reload res and put you plants back in.
Hmm pappy, lets find out why your getting pythium. What are the res temps?
======>I finally got my coils and silicone tubing and am playing with it today. I'm hoping to maintain 64 - 66 , it would get to 76, 77 using the ice cube method :-(
Do you have good aeration in the res?
=======> It was too good, the surface was so turbulent that I found long pieces of healthy root. On that, that brown **** was quite localized and elsewhere the roots were white. I've removed the bubblers and just drop a tube in to each rez. The monster pump boils those two little buckets. The plant buckets have a tube down through the pellets that drops water in to the bucket from res about 2 in below net pot.
Is there light leaks?
=====> both rooms 24hr veg
We gotta find the problem, fix it and not have to spend 100 bucks. Go get some H2o2, the 35% kind (mix it 50/50 with water). Dip the roots/basket in it for a few sec and then into clean water, do dips in each about ten times (making sure you get all the roots up to the stem) and then set the roots/basket in clean water, then get some rubber gloves and use a 50/50 mix to clean everything well, then reload res and put you plants back in. >>> 50/50.... wow. That does sound better that what I'm trying. =======>Thanks as usual.
Off I go, thanks, fingers crossed see ======> above
I had some 35% here so I went at it and am amazed at the result. There's still some brown but I only had the one bottle of 35%. I'll get more tomorrow and do it all again.
My res is currently 81° and I've had them even higher in the past. Just tossing that out there :)
So are you saying that temp is not his problem? Whatcha thinking Doc,:) pythium needs an acidic pH, micro/macro nutrients and a warm damp dark environment since it is a fungus. It is transported by fungal spores in the air, so maybe his air stones are transferring the pathogen? I'm just sorta stumped why he has recurrent infestations. I wish I could go there and look for myself, btw I have had res temps stay in the low 80's for a whole grow and did not have issues either, but for new growers its the first thing I suggest because it is the most likely solution. Also he sorta has a hybrid thing going on with his system so I'm not quite sure of how the root zone is? Wish I could get him to get one started in a 10 gal DWC so we could see where his left turn is and help him. He's got the drive but this pythium is killin him slowly :)
OH, you're correct on what's needed for Pythium (obviously) just making a note my temps hah. I think my temps are too high and I hate it, but not really any fungal issues yet...I'm thinking it's too much air or should I say too hot / too much air from a mega pump? Is it that overly large / loud / hot pump? I used one for 1/2 a day and had to pack it up. $50 down the drain :(

I really am just getting over issues myself, so don't know if I'm one to give advice lol! :D
No, Doc ya got me wrong bro, I was trying to pick your brain :) I was sorta out of idea's and was hoping maybe you might have an idea I had not though of, hopefully you didn't feel like that was a **** move on my part, I guess I could have worded it different. I was thinking same about pump, got to be where he is introducing spores at??
My res is currently 81° and I've had them even higher in the past. Just tossing that out there :)

I've been reading. There are schools of thought that say temperature is not a big deal as concerns Pythium. Cleanliness seems to be the main issue. I'm trying beneficial microbes but I've had to kill the first two batches as I can't get a clean start. I think Kraven's 50/50 oughta do it though.
Speaking of res temps.... I'm testing my cooling coils... it just might work.
No, Doc ya got me wrong bro, I was trying to pick your brain :) I was sorta out of idea's and was hoping maybe you might have an idea I had not though of, hopefully you didn't feel like that was a **** move on my part, I guess I could have worded it different. I was thinking same about pump, got to be where he is introducing spores at??

With that pump I had the buckets doing a rolling boil and I think there was way too much agitation (and blowing spores now too it seems). It tangled the roots something fierce: I think it must have been like hanging roots in a washing machine.
I've since removed them, no bubbles in the buckets, just the drip hose (not a drip anymore) popping out the bottom of the pot for (hopefully) a waterfall effect and oxygen (as well as recirculation)
Both reses have just the air hoses in them now and boil away like crazy along with 3 other 45L holding tanks, Hollleee, that pump blows!
There are two systems, each are equally infected. What's the common denominator? ME
I'm pretty sure it's cleanliness. I was dipping my hand in the res filling ice cube container. I rinse constantly and have separate utensils and stuff but I think I'm just not thorough enough.
So are you saying that temp is not his problem? Whatcha thinking Doc,:) pythium needs an acidic pH, micro/macro nutrients and a warm damp dark environment since it is a fungus. It is transported by fungal spores in the air, so maybe his air stones are transferring the pathogen? I'm just sorta stumped why he has recurrent infestations. I wish I could go there and look for myself, btw I have had res temps stay in the low 80's for a whole grow and did not have issues either, but for new growers its the first thing I suggest because it is the most likely solution. Also he sorta has a hybrid thing going on with his system so I'm not quite sure of how the root zone is? Wish I could get him to get one started in a 10 gal DWC so we could see where his left turn is and help him. He's got the drive but this pythium is killin him slowly :)

I actually had a ramp going dammit :)
I think your cleaning routine is going to save the day, I need more h2o2 :) I'll take some pictures along the way, you might spot something. I'm going to remove the the submersible pumps and use external ones and the pump circulates the water from the res to the drip tubes which wind down through the hydroton to hang just below the pot (waterfall, no air stone or hose) Out through the bottom to next bucket to res
So are you saying that temp is not his problem? Whatcha thinking Doc,:) pythium needs an acidic pH, micro/macro nutrients and a warm damp dark environment since it is a fungus. It is transported by fungal spores in the air, so maybe his air stones are transferring the pathogen? I'm just sorta stumped why he has recurrent infestations. I wish I could go there and look for myself, btw I have had res temps stay in the low 80's for a whole grow and did not have issues either, but for new growers its the first thing I suggest because it is the most likely solution. Also he sorta has a hybrid thing going on with his system so I'm not quite sure of how the root zone is? Wish I could get him to get one started in a 10 gal DWC so we could see where his left turn is and help him. He's got the drive but this pythium is killin him slowly :)

A blood-sucking parasite transmitted by the feet of gnats ??!?!!
Pythium is a genus of parasitic oomycotes. Most species are plant parasites, They were formerly classified as fungi; the feet of the fungus gnat are frequently a vector for their transmission.
I'm confused. I've topped 4 plants. LST training for 4 - 6 colas, but I'm thinking they're too sparse and the stems are thin. With the plant pictured, that longer branch of the two remaining after topped... should I just leave 3 nodes for the cola and cut everything before that? or more simply, would you trim any more? if so, where?
It is not under that T5, it's LED, I just moved it there hoping for a better picture HA!

View attachment 100_0902.JPG
A few of the larger fan leaves in the lower 1/4 section could be removed, but beyond that I say it looks pretty darn good :aok:
A few of the larger fan leaves in the lower 1/4 section could be removed, but beyond that I say it looks pretty darn good :aok:

I left them as I figured they weren't blocking anything but now that you mention it, they can go.

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