slight problem, need opinions.

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Marijuana Advocate
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
okay so i'm about 6-7 weeks into my grow and my girl is about 3 feet tall. the problem is that the lower sets of leave keep turning yellow and falling off. what is this likely a deficiency of? any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
there's a member on here slowmo77 i think it is he has a link in his signature wit all the deficiencies and pix and all that. i found it very informative
hey noticed u in georgias.... wats wit this bigfoot scandal an them dudes where u from?
here's the link it was my thread i started wek ago bout he replied to make sure ya give him a thanks too he was the one who told me
wilting? might be over watering... how u waterin them how often and how much
how often? well for a while it was raining a lot so I wasn't watering all that often but I only water like 3-4 times a week and just enough to get the soil moist again.
but how much u given them 3-4 times a week i wouldn't be givin them more than 1-2 to 1 gallon twice a wek well, thats how i do it if its a dry hot stretch like the last week and the next week to come yet is pose to be dry

or just stick ya finger down in the dirt when u go out to ya grow to water and if it feels damp wait a day use that to determine if they need water or not. i notided different tyes of soils hold moisture longer than others and some less to hardly hold water at all. that is if u outdoors.
yeah they're outdoors, I took some pictures earlier ;however I am not aloud to post them yet because I have not made enough posts yet.
"Sounds like your watering fine"

So onto your question, It's normal for some leaves to die off.

But if there all yellowing you probably have a nitrogen deficiency.

You said your in the 6 to 7 week range of growing

Have you gave them any nutes yet? They may just need a good feeding

If so what are you using and how often?
Thatguy09 said:
yeah they're outdoors, I took some pictures earlier ;however I am not aloud to post them yet because I have not made enough posts yet.
I'm not positive, but I believe that that restriction only applies to links.
If you're thinking of linking from another web host, it isn't permitted here anyway.
Just load your pictures in our Gallery here, or use the "Attatchmet" button in the advanced reply.
FourTwenty said:
They may just need a good feeding

If so what are you using and how often?

I haven't really added anything. I changed the soil when I moved it into a bigger pot about a month ago but since then nothing has been done to them except waterings. what do I need to do?
Try to Get a Good Fertilizer something like "fox farm grow big" and use 1/4 strength of the recommended dose
to start out with.

Then work your way to 1/2 strength and then eventually to full strength.

If this was the problem your plants should turn nice and healthy green again!!!

keep us posted
Most likely a nitrogen defeciency is leading to the "yellow leafing" as we call it. Give her a shot of N and she'll be fine.

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