Really! you have a lot going on in there and a lot of beauty. Thanks for posting.. we will wait for you, it is worth the wait... Wonderful grow.
Hey sis yes i do that thc bomb give me a run for the money. it did not stop growing toped about 6' 1" and mine was a very slow flower. 10 weeks it was the last to come out and one of the first to go in... i did not tie it down bcause it was my first time grow it and i wanted to see it in its full glory. well i llearned my lesson. used way to much fert this time around burned and stun them pretty bad. lesson learned again. i had just put in that dip system and i was watering 3xday for and hour each at 1.8ec. what i should have done was water 4xday at 800 ppm for 10 min. switched over to rx green from jungle juice.