Sin Inc's fem grow

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Really! you have a lot going on in there and a lot of beauty. Thanks for posting.. we will wait for you, it is worth the wait... Wonderful grow.

Hey sis yes i do that thc bomb give me a run for the money. it did not stop growing toped about 6' 1" and mine was a very slow flower. 10 weeks it was the last to come out and one of the first to go in... i did not tie it down bcause it was my first time grow it and i wanted to see it in its full glory. well i llearned my lesson. used way to much fert this time around burned and stun them pretty bad. lesson learned again. i had just put in that dip system and i was watering 3xday for and hour each at 1.8ec. what i should have done was water 4xday at 800 ppm for 10 min. switched over to rx green from jungle juice.
Hahahahahahah its worth waiting my friend!!
Everything looks great, nice grow and nice buddage! Congrats on that run
Very nice Sin, so what is next on the menu? :D
well zem i am all ready three weeks into flower on my new grow. we have 2 thc bombs and 1 tundras delight and an earliy vixen reveg from my last grow. will be posting more when i get off work talk you yall later
OK guys for this grow I started 32 of my f1 THC delight seeds for my last grow. Give a cup away .Some did not make it. So now I am left with 12 plants to sex. The cross is my tundras delight x THC bomb . This is a first grow out . To pick a mom for the up coming months. I also started 6 very old maiwi gold seeds. hopeing to get a mom from those to. 400 watt 7200k xarta sun MH.60/40 coco)growstone mix. No 5 gal hempys this time. Now I trying out three gallon cloth pots. Running blumat dripper s and a 5 gallon gravity drip bucket.. feels good to be growing and breeding again. So we are now about three weeks in and they are just starting to receive food. Using Tap water with a starting ppm of 180. Ppm my drip Rez to 500ppm . So now that your all UpTo date. Can't wait to see who's still on

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Wow looking good my friend such beautiful colours in there
Hey guys . Been busy lately. So none of my Malawi gold seeds popped. I will have to order some more along with chem 91, seedsman blue berry, dutch passions strawberry Chough , ossc black destroyer, and female seeds cindy99. I would get brother Grimm Cindy but I just can't afford it right now.
I was looking around for a 4x4 flood table and I could not find one under 100. So I built my own
So I say it's been about a month since my last update.
Well I now have three males and six females. The male's have now been moved to the veg room for more learning to grow with LEDs. Clones have been made of all females. Took three clones each. That should be good. Now I have been feeding with two one gallon Dippers per 3 gallon pot once a day for 30 mins at 5.7 pH and 440 ppm. All I have used this whole month was kelpl4less extreme blend and calmag. I have now cleaned and refilled my rez. I have now added kelpl4less bloom pack and thier extreme blend with some cal mag plus and seedlings plant food to a tune of 800 ppm at 5.5 pH at 3 times a day for ten mins tonight will be there first night In what I call my pre bud stage pics will follow

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