alright, im 5 foot 6 and weigh 145 lbs. Im pretty active and I guess have an alright metabolism. I had to take a court ordered drug test earlier this month so before han i quit smoking for a little more than a month. Right before the test i bought a home test where the THC line was present but VERY faint, but it's my understanding that it still counts as a negative. On Thursday I have to take another test, by this time ive been clean for about a month and a half. I still havent smoked but last night I smoked some salvia out of a pipe that had been used for reefer. It had resin in it so i scraped as much as i could but there was still some there. I just took one hit of the salvia and thats it. What do yall think my chances are for passing my test on Thursday. Any help will be much appreciated.