Salted Weed

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Jun 28, 2006
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I have a question..I havn't been around alot of pot, and I was smoking with this guy I know the other night, and I noticed it looked different, so I asked, and he said it was "salted." I wasn't sure what that was, so he explained that the vietnamese grower had added salt because it looks like THC and that other than making it look better, the salt had no purpose.

I that a legit story, is that common? I'd never heard of that before...I don't know the guy to well and it just seemed kind of odd...

thanks for any info,
I was about to ask a similar question...I got this bud that was full of crystals, looked like salt...I took a bunch of itand tried to compress it into hash but it just turned into whitish powder...was my herb cut with some crap??? This dtuff doesnt even
Never ran into anything like that, but if i did- I wouldn't smoke it....
I've heard of lots of things you can cut....but never weed, thats a new one. I never would have even thought it was possible :confused:
sounds to me more like the fella put the salt inhis weed for two make it look better like the fella said (so i guess thats your first clue that its crappy weed)

and secondly probably to add some would freak out if you knew some of the things commercial growers have done to their stuff to make more money

Greed overtakes some and i have seen fellas (who are NOT small time) actually spray their weed with a waterbottle if they dried it too much....yup

can you say barf?
adding weight...i heard some dealers steam their weed soppibly it adds more weight? i dont kno but is it true??? i also hear that steaming the weed is bad?
It is true start buying weed from the streets and you'll see... i buy mine from the streets and it can be tough to get decent ****.. and yes you can cut things into the weed.... lightly roll like sticky buds over a small amount of the substance.... and like let it dry. it's possible.. heck i cut coke into my own weed occassionally on purpose of course it's only the weed i'm smoking.. no one else gets it with out knowing whats in it. I always tell people whats in it. well that i know whats in it... There are ways.. Dealers will cut additive things into weed, to get someone hooked.. so they keep comin back for more.
I just bought some today, and I know people are gonna say "grow your own", smoked it, and it tasted different, it was sorta tangy or somethin, although I got a normal high.... could it be some fertilizer or something????
I knew some guys that would put oranges into a bag of really dry brick weed to get it to expand and take on moisture to make it weigh more. (I thought it was wrong) but profit profit profit is all they seen.
So is the fact that the 'kif' wont press even using an iron a sign of its crap-qualities?? Or is it just unpressable kif that would need thousands of pounds of pressure?
hey mutt be nice, this country was based on making a profit ,,,some times i feel like i am preforming a public service ,,,PEACE,LOVE,CATHOLICISM ,,,,,JUST DOES NOT SOUND RIGHT ,,PEASE,LOVE,RASTAFARI
one born every minute is what they used to tell me ,i quees there were right ,, vietnamese salted weed
iole said:
So is the fact that the 'kif' wont press even using an iron a sign of its crap-qualities?? Or is it just unpressable kif that would need thousands of pounds of pressure?

are you asking if it can be pressed?? cause if you are the answer is yes....and it doesn't involve immense pressure ...just a bit of heat.......but not too much....we don't wanna burn out the trichs ;)
Thats exaclty what Im asking...Ive tried with an iron, I tried putting in boiling water for 30 seconds and then under the foot of my couch but nothing happened...I tried under my bed with a pinch of honey, nothing..I just keep getting powder...

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