Hey G!
[Satori does take a long time to ***].
... but then if you clone you don't have to go thru that so often.
[Satori does take a long time to ***]
Please elaborate on this one. Don't you mean 'before' flipping to 12/12 ?
11 -12 days under 12/12 makes it east to ***, {once one has taken ones clones} But do you mean 'before' flipping; and if so how do you tell *** while still in veg? This would be an interesting skill to have.
Thank you
The Poet
Many keep their plants in veg until they are sexually mature. At sexual maturity, the plants get alternating nodes and will produce pre-flowers. The preflowers tell you the *** of the plant. I do like my plants sexed before I put them into 12/12, but that is not always possible--sometimes I run out of space in the vegging closet. Or sometimes they get too large for the vegging space. If you cut clones before a plant is sexed, be sure that you label everything well so that you can throw out the clones that came from the males.