Rooting gel

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Could be a number of things.

I never ever ever ever use a heat mat. They are far to unpredictable.

I root in rapid rooters with 100% success over many hundreds of clones.

Soak rapid rooters in pH 6.2 solution of clonex liquid. Place cuts that have been dipped (I roll) in Clonex gel in to very wet rapid rooters. In to the dome with vents wide open. I remove the dome twice per day during my gardening time (usually 30-45 minutes twice per day).

They'll take 6-9 days to start drying back. Usually they're rooted within that time. If not, rewet cubes with a spray bottle of pH 6.2 solution containing clonex liquid.

I can't comment on the hormone going stale, I go through it before that could ever be a possibility.

A word to consider for those of you using hydro cloners... HLV is prevalent these days. Sharing solution is a really good way for it to transfer between plants. I would recommend against aerocloners for this reason.

Here to help if you have questions.

How old is the gel and have you kept it refrig?
I notice if it is older than 2 yrs and has changed color it will be most likely bad and lost the rooting Harmones needed to do its job.

Depends on how you kept it and how you used it.

If kept in the fridge, it will keep quite a long time. My Clonex is well over 2 years old and still good. I had some stored in a cabinet go bad pretty quick, less than a year. This was before I learned about keeping it in the fridge.

If you didn't dip any clones into the main bottle and contaminate it. I pour just what I need for clones in a small bottle. A shot glass will work well also. Dump it when done, so you don't contaminate the main bottle. Another lesson learned the hard way.
Odd, it sits on shelf for Lord knows how long. Maybe it after first opening?
Could be a number of things.

I never ever ever ever use a heat mat. They are far to unpredictable.

I root in rapid rooters with 100% success over many hundreds of clones.

Soak rapid rooters in pH 6.2 solution of clonex liquid. Place cuts that have been dipped (I roll) in Clonex gel in to very wet rapid rooters. In to the dome with vents wide open. I remove the dome twice per day during my gardening time (usually 30-45 minutes twice per day).

They'll take 6-9 days to start drying back. Usually they're rooted within that time. If not, rewet cubes with a spray bottle of pH 6.2 solution containing clonex liquid.

I can't comment on the hormone going stale, I go through it before that could ever be a possibility.

A word to consider for those of you using hydro cloners... HLV is prevalent these days. Sharing solution is a really good way for it to transfer between plants. I would recommend against aerocloners for this reason.

Here to help if you have questions.

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Oh no longer use the clone king?

I never used a clone king.

I did experiment with a homemade fogponic cloner for a few weeks. Not for me...
Oh, I thought that was you that turned me on to it, I guess not. I've got one in the box still...

The only problem with doing something like that is if you get one that is just starting to root won't you tear the roots up by pulling it out of the rockwool.
I may be wrong, but I thought he put them in cup with some of those hydro stones and then in the aero hydro unit? That way, they are never removed from the rooter thing, I think. I best figure this out, want to clone from the last of my goat and monkey ultimate OG.
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listen to GMO, he got me back into the groove with his advise for cloning...yes, the gel goes bad usually indicated by it's thinning out...I just bought another bottle as my old gel isn't working like it was when fresh...
I need to figure out why I bought the clone

listen to GMO, he got me back into the groove with his advise for cloning...yes, the gel goes bad usually indicated by it's thinning out...I just bought another bottle as my old gel isn't working like it was when fresh...
Nutz. My jar has been (not yet opened) in closet for several weeks. I will get new, only have a few, 5 or so ultimate OG seeds.

@Bubba I remember airbone using one with great success. I worry about HLV.

@pute yes, I do. Lightly. I'm the future you may consider using rapid rooters or root riots. Rockwool maybe problem some due to it's pH.
GMO sent me some clones and they were very healthy. And it was hot as hell in Texas when they came in the mail.
The only problem with doing something like that is if you get one that is just starting to root won't you tear the roots up by pulling it out of the rockwool.
Not if you're gentle
I may be wrong, but I thought he put them in cup with some of those hydro stones and then in the aero hydro unit? That way, they are never removed from the rooter thing, I think. I best figure this out, want to clone from the last of my goat and monkey ultimate OG.
Once rooted in rapid rooters they go in to their final medium, whether that be soil, coco, or hydroton.
The only problem with doing something like that is if you get one that is just starting to root won't you tear the roots up by pulling it out of the rockwool.
Agreed. The clones I was tugging on were either going to have roots I couldn’t see or they were going in the compost heap. Kind of a cannabis Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle…
I keep it in the fridge, about a year old. I take it out of the fridge into a shot glass, let it warm up a bit, take the cut, dip in in the solution for 5 to 7seconds and place it into rock wool cube.
The dome has a heat mat placed under the dome keeping the cube at 80f. Just like I have done forever.... nothing has changed except the results.
Wow, that exactly the way I do it with the exception of keeping the cloning gel in the fridge and I’ve used either the plugs or peat cubes which I don’t care for as much but still the last four cloning sessions have made 100%. (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself as I have clothes in the cooker right now) Maybe it’s the cloning solution if you’re doing everything the same…

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