PIOT: Over Watering?

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Actually they look kind of ****** today. Here I will post some pics. Let me know what you guys think.:confused2:

12-08-2008 007.JPG 12-08-2008 038.JPG 12-08-2008 036.JPG
001.JPG 12-08-2008 008.JPG 12-08-2008 025.JPG
Update: 3 weeks today, Random bag seeds, looking alot better.:banana:

Plant A:

12-14-2008 061.JPG12-14-2008 062.JPG12-14-2008 064.JPG12-14-2008 068.JPG

Plant B:

12-14-2008 082.JPG12-14-2008 031.JPG12-14-2008 036.JPG12-14-2008 041.JPG

Plant C: (Indica?)

12-14-2008 109.JPG12-14-2008 034.JPG12-14-2008 090.JPG12-14-2008 093.JPG

Any Comments or advice is Welcome! :)
:watchplant: This evening the leaves are starting to curl under like the plant C's are. Watering every three days. Using MG Soil. Any ideas anyone? I moved the light up a little thinking maybe it was heat. :confused2: Maybe I am just being paranoid, and checking on the plants every 30 minutes to an hour is pissing them off?
what are our temps at the top of the plant? if its to hot for our hand its to hot for our plants. if they're not dryin out good in between watering it could be over watering.
It wasn't very warm when I put my hand between the plant and the light. I guess it could be over watering. The only thing I did different this time is when I watered, I made sure it spread all over the soil in the pot. Before I was just pouring close to the plant.
i'd start by lettin them dry out a bit and see how that does. if that don't work you can try something else.. when you try something new give it a few days so you can see the effect before doing anything else. jmo
I don't know if this thread was continued elsewhere or just ended abruptly in December, as it seems to have.

Havoc, as I said, I don't know for sure where your grow stands now, but I thought it would be worth mentioning as I didn't see it in any of the prior posts and this thread came up in a search I did for watering:

I think the plants were over watered, but not in the usual sense. Every 3 days or so should be a conservative enough schedule for containers of that size - provided the growing medium is properly aerated.

From what I can tell from your pics (and I think you said as much above), that looks like straight MG potting soil out of the bag. If that's the case, I'd wager the farm that this was your culprit. Generally, premixed houseplant potting soil will be way too clay/compact for our baby girls and end up suffocating them as they struggle to form their beginning roots.

Most commonly recommended soil supplements in this regard are perlite, vermiculite, and sphagnum peat moss - alone or in conjunction with one another. These all have distinct properties; a little research on each will allow you to make a determination regarding your set up.

try keeping ur humidity around 60%, your temps below 85' and ur ph between 5.7 and 6.3(depends on your strain) and for watering, the easiest way (for me) is just sticking my finger about 2 inches into my 9" pot, if its moist it doesnt need watering. I Like to make my plants work for their water, and when u give it to them they shoot right up towards the light! ;)

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