Noob Grower Need Much Help!!

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yeah then there deff. not spidermites

and im deff. gonna wait to do anything drastic to them till they get a little older

and i kno its far away, but i might keep the male just to play it safe since it seems hard to tell the difference

plus i smoke males before i guess
well i think lol idk im pretty dumb when it comes to pot
but isnt schwag from males or females that are effected by males?
any weed you've ever smoked has come from a female, schwag is just poorly grown, cared for, dryed, cured and packaged weed. When you get bud with seeds all up in it, thats because a male was allowed to pollinate the female, creating the seeds, idealy you keep those males from touchin your pretty girls and you'll get seed free bud. Just look up "mj sex ed" on this site and you'll see some good pics that show the basic differences between males and females, but it oughtta be quite some time before your plants start to show sex, so just nurture them well and worry about that later, Good luck
thanks dude i'll keep that in mind

i just have to stay focused on the present and not later on

theres a time for that

btw whats some good plant food, what have u guys been sucessful with?
if you can find some bat guano its an awesome fertilizer. just crumble some up around the base of your plant (NOT A LOT) and then hit it with some water so what ever is in the poo soaks through the soil. i dropped a little around my indoor plants and they shot str8 up in only a couple days


good luck, happy growing
Dude for shure thats them i know they look like there are allot growing around the woods but i can asure you thats them wait like another month and the two leaves that look like there cut will get really big and they will start to grow from the center up and it will repeat this process
lol where am i suposed to get bat poop?

and other ideas on soil/fertilizer?
you can get nutrients from a hydro shop. You can go in and ask em, tell em you have tomatoes if they ask. really its none of their business. They guy go to KNOWS what i have hahahhahaha. he got his own crop goin on too. he's got this big sign that says IF YOUR USING THESE PRODUCTS FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES PLEASE LEAVE, but he smiles and knows every time. I wouldn't tell anyone for your sake, but i just thought it was kinda funny.

You can try alot of nutrients tho. So many people have favorites and swear by them. I use old age growth, and im now moving on to Pure blends for flowering along with some Beastie buds and Humbolt county nutes. By far, from what i'va heard, humboldt county nutes are some of the best around. They dont have a specific nutrient formula tho. Its kinda of weird. They have gravity to make the buds nice and dense, bushmaster to make them... welll turn into bushes, and purple maxx to turn them DARK purple. You can only use these nutes 1 - 2 times and they are extremely expensive. I wouldnt use them if i were you. Just try a hydro shop and ask for some good nutes for tomato plants in their vegitative stage. just DONT over feed them. Feed them a fraction of what it says.

you have your plants in the ground dont you? They probably get quite a bit of nutrients as well from that, so make sure you give em a light dose of whatever you use.
yeah sounds like too much work for my first time

just gonna have time tell, and besides we cant afford much any ways

and yeah there in the ground and plus theres worms all around the ground to and i hear thats a good thing because they give nutrients so we should be set
man cant wait for a few more months
worms aerate the soil which is good for mj, lets the roots dry out in between waterings
you can try sum cheap stuff, its better then nothing, but im thinkin that since yours are in the ground, they should be fine. the worms also bring soil high in nutrients from deeper down. they spend their whole lives making journeys down and coming back up with nutrients

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