Fillerup said:
Could there be a problem if my room is 90 - 95 degrees? I do not have any direct intake of fresh air other than the regular spaces around the door and some drywall not sealed between another room
Yes, your room is too hot. That kind of heat will kill your plants. If you can vent it to as close as possible to 80F, the plants will grow well.
To fix the problem you have now, you have to get that temp down somehow. Then, raise your light up about twice the distance you would normally have it. Using a very sharp pair of sissors or a razor, prune every leaf that has severe browning on it. Make the cut just after the leaf stalk leaves the stem of the plant on each leaf.
Lessen the nutrients to about a 1/4 strength mix and water well to cool those roots right away. Water until you have water coming out the bottom of your pot. Mist the remaining leaves with water. Put some fresh air into that room.
That will save the plants with the worst damage and make an eviroment that your new seedlings will like.
After doing what I've suggested above, when the plants start showing new growth again and the growth is plainly visable, lower the lights back to where they need to be for your plants and get them back on their regular nutrient schedule. They should be fine.
There is a slight chance that you've stressed them enough to create a Hermie. When the plant is about 15 days from when you intend to start flowering, take a cutting and flower it for 10 days or so. You'll see the sex easily.
Good luck man, and keep us all informed on how your plants are doing. Nothing over 85 degrees F for the plants, any time. You can get away with it using Hydroponics and an increased feeding schedule, but dirt grows are pretty unforgiving of heat stress.