Newbie indoor grow!!!

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Apr 16, 2009
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:eek::eek:O.K., I know ....lots of room for improvement here, but hey that is why i am posting my grow, so I can get the help that I will need!!!
Now on with the show..........
3 Shiva Skunk clones , 8 Aurora Indica seedlings , 4 "Free Seed"(came with AI order) , and 7 "Stash Seed" of unknown origin ( believe it was a sativa, will see later on) all under a 400 w MH currently in a temporary location until my room is complete(purchasing lumber and such now).
I have everything but the 3 SS clones in 1 gal. containers for a SOG grow , and because all but the 3 SS clones are from seed, I wanted something smaller and easier to move and "weed" out the sexes.The 3 clones are in 4gal containers, but may be changing , but most likley not , as I want to only keep the best for a mother, and the other 2 will grow hardy until they produce their glorious flowers!!!
My soil is a combo of a generic potting soil, mixed with Kellogs organic potting soil/compost, and has a PH of 6.The 3 clones are actually in a red clay(my native dirt here) ,small amount of organic soil mix, and goat manure(I have 9 goats currently).I also have chickens and will have cattle coming as well, so I will be making up my very own fully rich organic manure/soil mixes eventually.
I have a cheapo 400w setup with conversion bulb for my light setup, but will be purchasing 2 1000w air cooled lights, some flourescents , and put the 400w to some more use for veg stage.Then i will be building and trying out a cloner, as well as possibly a vinyl fence post aeroponic/NFT type system, although I prefer the organic soil method, from smoke I have had from these types of grows.But I want to try it anyways, as long as the end result is the same, pretty beautiful flowers glistening in the light!!!!!MMMMM , man I cant wait!!!!!!
Alright now to nutes....I just picked up some Earth Juice- Grow, Catalyst, and Bloom, all quart sized.
I did a mild mix to start of 15ml(1 tbsp) Grow, and 5ml(1 tsp)Catalyst and fed the 3 SS clones, and diluted this smix to half and lightly fed the seedlings, who as of today all seem to be healthy and maturing nicely.
I have 1 larger fan running in the room currently , but nothing else.The temp seems to stay at just under 80*F to 78*F, but my humidity is ranging into the high 60% to 70% ranges, this will be solved hopefully when we get the actual grow rooms going with all the necessary fans.blowers, and venting.
HMMM cant think of anything else really, Hmmm, oh yeah they are in veg stage at 18/6 light schedule until seedlings are big enough to go into flowering for sexing and maturation.
I will try keeping up-to-date as much as possible including pics, and please all helpful(and unhelpful ok as well)info, concerns, objections, comments or what ever the hell else, please by all means SPEAK UP!!!!!!
I am going to post pics below in another post, as I am new to the site, but I'll figure it all out.:D:D
if this is going to be your grow journal, you should post the pics here so people don't get lost....
otherwise, sounds good..
Ok,Ok, Here they dont get to irate or disgusted, but compared to others I am truley showing I am an amateur, so just a fore warning!!

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Those are pretty plants, grasshopper :), especially for a first grow. Nice job and happy :bong1::bong1:
:eek:So its been awhile and things have drastically changed!!!
1st- Shiva Skunk clones are out, they have been hardened off and will begin their outdoor adventure just for ***** & giggles, that and i wanted the space for others in the grow space!!
2nd- An accident occured in the room and 7 plants were destroyed, oh well, just a bit of my beginners luck I guess.The unfurtune part of this was that 6 were my Aurora Indica strain I started from seed.Hey just another excuse to try some clones from some area growers to fill out the garden!!
3rd-I built, with as little cash as I have/had, and scraps and pieces and whatever the hell else I could scrounge up to get a grow room out of the house and into its own space.So I built a 8'Wx8'Lx7'H, sealed off and split into 3 sections.1st room, 4'x8' flower room, 2nd room/space 4'x2'6" veg room, and rest is set up for cloning/mother plant(will set up later when mother is determined & ready) and minimal storage.I will still plan and fund another space at least 10'x10' if not more, and then the 2 spaces will be utilized properly, a 10x10 + flower room w/4 1000w, and 8x8 veg/cloning room.
I setup the room with a dedicated 30 amp circuit for lights(no more than 1-1000w & 1-400w), and a dedicated 20 amp for cfl's,fans,& pumps.All this is supplied via a 100amp panel setup off our 200amp main for the pump house located away from the house, so I set up my sapce next to the pump house, and I could also use our generator in case of outages if the need arises , which also is in pump house.
They may not look great but they are surviving and will thrive in their new home!!! So off to finish cleaning, sealing, and sterilzing the grow room......then soon they will go to a happy place!!!:):)

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