New to the grow

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Nov 30, 2008
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Hello,I am new to growing and I believe I am doing a terrible job.Not so much terrible its just I could be doing much better but limited funds and research are the reason for that.So here I am to get some much needed advice from people with knowledge.OK heres the set up...And remember funds are limited so dont laugh to hard,I have 2 -24 inch long flouros that are grow oriented and one 4 foot cool white flouro(the other light is out until i purchase a new bulb,didnt really think it was worth it since the fixture doesnt really fit in my grow room and i'm only housing 3 plants = /)turned on its side due to it not fitting in my room.The 2 flouros are hangin just 5 inches from the tops and the 4 footer going along the side of the plants.I'm pretty sure the 2 flouros are enough since they did well until i got the 4 footer,of course the more light the better so there ya have it.Now my concern is that I have 1 plant doing really well IMO and 1 plant was doing well until the first leaves started dying and the tips are yellowing a bit,not alot but it is noticeable and last but not least is my mutant plant as I like to call it.Its half the size of it's sisters(wishful thinking)and was planted the same time as the others,it did take an extra day of germination until it cracked to join the other 2,so initially I figured it was just a couple days behind the others,but now almost 4 weeks into it and its still mad short.Also the plants were hit with possibly 50 degree weather(I say possibly because I am not accurately monitoring the temp,it was 29 degrees fahrenheit outdoors and with insulation and such i estimate the 50 degrees)that was random for about 5 days imo resulting in stunted growth.I was watering with tap water set out well over 24 hours in very small amount's for 3 times a day at first which i have ceased after having a minor gnat problem and concerns of overwatering.Here we go and sorry about the quality shitty webcam,i'm not gonna lie,haha i'm pretty poor.Anyways the 1st pic is a top view of the mutant it looks nice but small for 4 weeks tuesday.The 2nd is the mutant from the side.The 3rd is my best plant,the 4th is doing good except the first leaves are yellowed out and look like there at 20%.The 5th is a comparision of the best and the mutant with the lighter clearly showing its size.The 6th is a close up of those damaged first leaves on the second best(I tried giving it some N it did help but not much and I gave it the N when the first leave went,after administaring the N 12 hour's later the other leave almost died with it and as you can see that is where they are now).As stated above this is a very limited operation,I mean **** I have to resort to bending the stalks until I can get a little fan which is like 3 bucks i'm sure,but still that's how bad it is right now.Bad time to grow I know,but as you can tell it was worth it seeing them come this far off so little.Any help would be appreciated.I am using soil obviously,with no nutes except the little bit of N I gave them and that's that.Thanks for any help and save the flaming for someone else preciate it.Later

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also the only yellowing on any of the plants is on the one with the dead leaves and the yellowing only being on the tips of maybe 3 leaves nothing to crazy.On my best plant the biggest leaves show slightly lighter green spots,was wondering about that aswell.
imho those are all small for 4 weeks old. you really need more light, howmany lumens are the lights you have now? what type of soil are you usin? with floro lights you can get them super close tothe plants as long as they don't touch. that will help you out some. its common for the round leaves to die. does your soil say it feeds for 3months? im forgetting something i know i am..
Welcome, Check out E-Bay I got a 400 HPS conversion with 2 bulbs For $145and the light is every thing I have a 3'x2' space 2 plants Skunk of course 2 20 watt flc running up the side of the grow area and my 400 HPS 2 weeks in to bloom move the air and lut the light do the rest. check out my grow
is there anyway to salvage something out of these guys? because the strain is nice,i actually got these seeds surprisingly out of some nice headie strain so i really dont want them to go to waste...and once again thanks for the info...i dont expect to make LBs with these 3 just want them to see the future and not be a waste...another thing to add would be its random soil with perlite mix from home depot and the two flouros emit 75 watts a piece,saying that how many of those would i need...i really have to keep it simple with using the electric seeing is how **** is bad.One more small note is that when i started them on the 2 flouros only they did really well the first 2 weeks and then after the cold weather they just kinda been hangin around like they are now with the growth slowed down tremendously
sure there is ,,,gett more lighing some air movement and repott them up 2 the first leaves then get the fan on them to strenghten them up ,,,,
thats all i can think of for now :peace:
you soil looks like it needs some perlite, i think you need to open your soil up with some perlite so it can get oxygen to your roots and better soil drainage..imo... and the fan too..
the soil has perlite in it also the soil is Scotts premium soil mix with 4 month feed..also i was wondering if im using 150 watts would 2 more lights giving me 300 watts for these 3 plants is enough? and if any of them are female excepet the mutant i would like them to be mothers.
ok im taking the mutant out and im just going to let it continue outdoors(theres no way i can kill it)and let my 2 remainders get all the light im able to supply right going to replant those 2 in bigger containers with fresh soil(also helping with my minor infestation)and give them all the attention now...i have the 150 watts from 2 flouros and the 4 foot cool white(not sure on its wattage).Was wondering if anyone could help in suggesting if i should focus on my best plant or is this enough light to sustain 2 plants for nice growth...remember these plants are almost 4 weeks and they got set back imo due to rare weather so there not that far off and my best plant gets bigger each day...once again all comments are greatly appreciated.thanks

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