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I tried my hand at grandaddy purple and grandmommy purple neither one did well in the heat of our summer. 😭😭
WELL IM HOPING SHE DOES WELL she is one of my main strains I’m running next year i am going to love seeing those purple buds then imma make thousands of seeds I’m just trying to get thousands of seeds of this particular flavor haaaaaaa let’s hope I do I would be a happy camper
Ok here’s a confession my weed is seeeeeeeedy i can’t lie the weed is still nice and I got thousands of seeds enough seeds to last a Army of growers haaaaaa I knew I had seeds coming but good lord is it a blessing or a curse to have this many seeds they all going to my refrigerator to chill until needed no worries that’s just my outside crop in my clone chamber I have them same plants it won’t be any seeds in my indoor batch oh well till next time HAPPY GROWING
Oh yeah I have a new strain kalled the night stalker I have about five more new strains coming so I hope I have some memorable weed made in 2023 I will soon take pix of these ladies that’s coming
I’m excited about my grand daddy kush I made she is turning out to be one sexy lady hey I’m just making strains storing them for that right time but yeah I’m going to clone the living &)@$ out of her and have a stockpile of my new strain that’s purplish pink kush YALL not ready for my madness to be in the world
Once you get your seeds built up like you want, you have to try and grow a batch with no seeds in it. Sometimes the weed with no seeds can be way stronger. That bud above is a beauty! Your system and ways of doing things look like they are working great.
I’m addicted to making seeds I knew this batch was going to have seeds I’m flowering my clone chamber it won’t have seeds so in about two or three months weed with no seeds will be grown
Oh yeah my weed thrives in triple digit temperature 115 degrees for a couple weeks they mothers loved the sun I must admit I had to water my plants every day during these heat waves but my strains showed no stress just thinking out loud I’m glad they not sensitive my GRAND DADDY KUSH WAS BRED TO STAND EXCESSIVE HEAT FROM THE SUN yes a beautiful purple flower oh yeah my three strains I figured out whose a female and who is male I’m free to clone my strains but my clone chamber is in flower so once I harvest clone chamber I will immediately begin cloning
I really like this one you want yo trade some seeds? The sugar haze go between 5-6 ft in 7 gallon pots they did well and they were only my 3rd grow ever. The buds are very sticky with a nice aroma and the smoke is smooth with a very nice flavor. I have s thread called seed exchange if you are interested. I have no preference on auto photo or whatever. Just trying to get my hands on different strains to try.

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