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Wow so my first harvest from my early harvest I filled a pound bag goooood lord this season is going to be epic I’m hoping to have a couple year surplus I pray to God I never run out I pray that every harvest be bountiful hopefully I will never have to buy from the dispensary HAPPY GROWING GOOD BUDDIES
So you guys new I made three strains last year so I grew them out made clones from all three plants the clones I did not label but I know they are my strains I am totally satisfied of these clones from my strains I only grew the seeds indoors and I grew the clones outdoors so the buds from my strains grown outside is big as soda cans are bigger extra sticky and smells great but from me growing them outside my strains have all fat buds coming I barely had small buds also I’m growing until winter I’m going to clone let them veg inside once they get of size straight outside they go they will instantly go into flower and as the cold months come my buds will indeed turn purple
Hey I forgot to tell yall my strains have already been phased out these upcoming plant is top dollar seeds I bought over the years I have about eight flavors coming to yall so stay tuned I am hardly finished 🌝👁️🌚
Good lord tomorrow I fill another pound bag it’s going straight to my closet hey I still have my strains growing the buds from my newest strains will be coming maybe November so all the bud I show yall from now till kroptober is all my strains my goal which is small is to harvest a good ten pounds that would make me extremely happy I swear imma smoke it all while I fish I would be a fool to sell my NON CHEMICAL WEED I USE STRAIGHT WATER ON ALL MY GROWS yup this will be my best season growing I really out done myself and the Strains I made make big buds I’m a happy man God has really blessed me this year well I’m on my way shark hunting so HAPPY GROWING 🌝👁️🌚
Omg I really outdone myself this year I got buds after buds coming my clones I made is coming a tad bit early I’m sure the seeds I grew will be ready round kroptober jeeeeesh I won’t be buying from the dispensary no time soon and the baby clones I have once they out grow they pot they will be going outside I’m running clones all the way to the winter months December-February it’s to cold to grow so my little operation will be indoors during those months and my clones inside will be growing to next may 16 the process don’t stop HAPPY GROWING GOOD BUDDIES
Omg I really outdone myself this year I got buds after buds coming my clones I made is coming a tad bit early I’m sure the seeds I grew will be ready round kroptober jeeeeesh I won’t be buying from the dispensary no time soon and the baby clones I have once they out grow they pot they will be going outside I’m running clones all the way to the winter months December-February it’s to cold to grow so my little operation will be indoors during those months and my clones inside will be growing to next may 16 the process don’t stop HAPPY GROWING GOOD BUDDIES
I have mine ready vegging Dec-Feb March first outside to flower. Mid may I harvest the first set. I never run out of weed. I may run out of my fav strain, but this year everything was awesome but train wreck. The weed itself is top notch just font like the taste too much gas.
I have mine ready vegging Dec-Feb March first outside to flower. Mid may I harvest the first set. I never run out of weed. I may run out of my fav strain, but this year everything was awesome but train wreck. The weed itself is top notch just font like the taste too much gas.
Yup that sounds like a mighty fine operation may 16. In my town start veg season a while ago I probably bought a couple thousand in seeds I got a bunch of strains I love it

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