Need some info asap

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Jun 11, 2009
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Hey my name is Steven and im new to growing oudoors. My plant has been growing for 11 days now and so far everything is going well. But i think i stunted its growth by transplating it into better soil. I would like information on when to water,how to prevent the leaves from turning a yellowish color and if it does what does it mean,and how to keep the humidity up. Please reply with as much information as possibe asap.
hi there steven and welcome ! firstly if you have repotted into a larger pot size ! You will find that recovery may take a few days to recover ..i usally repot in the morning with a very dry pot.... but i also water well when it is in a new pot and this allows all day sun and water to improve the recovery rates . Although if you have added to much dolimite lime this can also cause stunted growth ..1 gallon would be fine with a heaped tablespoon as a guide ! Yet the yellowing of leaves could be caused for many reasons i.e lacking in nitrogen or phospherous i.e leave tips yellowing and curling upwards at the tips was my problem 3 days ago (phospherous ) so i foliar fed some miracle grow and now they are fine ! but every situation is different and i would recommend posting pics to enable all to help with this problem ! Peace and take care ! may also have a nute lock out as well which would require flushing ! But pics will save you !
I give it maricle grow but the leaves are still yellow what should i do?
steventbow said:
I give it maricle grow but the leaves are still yellow what should i do?
hey bro, take it from me, if you want to grow some bomb weed, spend a little money and get some good nutes, good soil or soilless mix something that isnt pre-nuted....
If u want your weed to grow i would suggest not feeding it nutes right after you transplant into good soil. Unless it was just some promix it probably has nutes in it and if you overfeed a little baby it will die alot quicker than underfeeding. If you want information as quick as possible I would suggest that u look through this site and do some reading for yourself. There's alot of info here u just need to take them time to read it. Its fine to ask questions that u can't find the answer to but honestly if you have to ask "when do i water?" u need to look around a little more and do some research for yourself.
imo if transplant is done correctly there should be no distress ,,maybe a little sulking for a day at most ,

at 11 days old its a little young for nutes imo ,the yellow leaves could be due to overwatering ,and i did my first grow with miricle grow nutes ..i liked it just not the taste ,even with a flush the harshness is still there ,,i now use bio grow and bio bloom ,,

as you get to know your plant ,,you will know when to water ,,every baby is diffrent ,,it may need a 1/2 litre daily or just 1 a week ,,but if the soil is dry and she looks droopy water her ,,
not sure how you would control humidity ,,if your growing outside let mother nature do her thing :48:
Ok this is what i did if it dies then im sorry about my luck. I got some maricle grow garden soil (the kind you put in the ground) and i dug a hole,put the soil in the hole and planted my plant. I live in the Mojave Desert so im not sure how this is gonna work out. Any pointers?

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