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about 3 hours ago i moved my four week old plant into a biggr one and it looks like its dying,,,bfore it looked really healthy and now its wilting ..its my oldest and first plant and of course i want to save it .wat should i do????
probably just shock from the transplant.. give it a few days and it should perk up a bit.
Yeah my clones do it when I move them into their net pots. It is just a shock but they always recover in a day or so.
one of the picturs is the wilting one(my oldest) and i movd my othr plant(4 days old) into a biggr pot 2 but 4 sum reason that one did not wilt.


hurt 23.png
If that plant was four weeks old I would say you have been doing something wrong this whole time.
BuddyLuv said:
If that plant was four weeks old I would say you have been doing something wrong this whole time.

hehe yeai EDIT up in the beginning big time.i almost killed it on due to way 2 much nutes and then a second time of overwatring but now i know ....i hav 4 week old plants can you tell me othr mistakes iv might hav done to cause my plant to look like this??
if it survives do u think it can still produce an okay quantity of bud
Give it a day or two and see if it comes back. If not next time try peat starter pots you can just bury the pot in the bigger planter so you don't have to mess with the roots next time.
Can anyone by looking at da picture suggest to me what it looks what iv bin doen wrong??
like why is it so short and why part of the stem is turning purple???
im not to experienced on this but i have my stem turning purple a little, but im 99% sure its becuase my temps go down to around 58 degrees at night, not a big deal for me cause im 21 days in flower and its a very strong healthy plant so i wouldn't worry to much on that... but that is my case, i could be wrong. there are many many knowledgeable people that i think can better help you out here, they have helped me out plenty of times... such a great site..
I also have some purple stems but am also in a less then ideal grow room. This is my first day of flower though and so far so good! As for your plant being shrort it could be the strain. A short bushy plant can grow just as much or even more bud then a tall lanky one. But hey im no expert either others may disagree
AJNAG, when transplanting some people advise to water the plant first, wait about five minutes or so, then do the transplant After transplanting, water it in its new pot. The reason is because sometimes when transplanting with dry soil, the flow of water from the roots to the leaves might be interrupted. If the flow of water is interrupted, wilting can occur. Personally, I've never had a problem with transplanting, either dry or wet, but I always water first now.

Your plant is probably experiencing some sort of transplant shock, and I imagine it will recover over the next few days or so.
Just to add to what Alistair said, transplanting when dry can also cause also of root tearing, so theres that....

Sounds like you need to just take a second and thoroughly read the growing stickies on this site, and also, if you want help to know what you did wrong, you're going to have to list indetail everything you've done with your plants, everything from the room temp, to the light height, to the PH and soil type, and on and on. Three are way too many variable in growing just to look at a plant and tell you what you did wrong.
well today almost all the leaves were really dry and crispy and one broke when i touched it so im avoiding touching the rest,although no new growth ,two leavs bcame soft and firm again, so im hoping all the leaves will do dis 2 over da next days ,dis is 1 1/2 days after i transplanted it.
and thanks alot 4 da advice fellow GANJA SMOKERS

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